Thursday, April 22, 2010

South Park Takes A Dive for Mohommed

Everyone who knows me, expects to be hit with my disdian for orginazed religion. Jews have shown a perpensity to outright racism to any non-jew to such a degree that it's really shocking. Watch Morgan Spurlock's Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden to see Othodox Jews literally chase him away from a holy site. Add that to an almost certain, albeit understandable hatred toward the Palestianin people, and nonstop building of settlements in disputed areas and you get a solid mix of superiortity and arragance about their beliefs. A recent Isralei court awarded two Muslims a 8000$settlement for racism during a trip on EL al airlines, so there is some progress being made, which I would expect from a progressive country like Isreal.
The Catholic Church on the other hand is in a free fall of horrific descent that made lead to radical changes being made. Every day a new sex scandal emerges (let that sink in for aminute) usually involving small boys. Authors Richard Dawkins and Chris Hutchinson are trying to find a way get around the immunity clause that protects heads of state to have him arrested for crimes against hunanity. You'd think a guy who was once a Nazi would have that be the worst thing about him but no, Pope Joey Ratz has also condemned millions to die of AIDS and countless children to be molested. That next conclave for Pope better be damned sure who they nominate next. This guy's a disaster.
Which leaves me with the Muslim's this week for protesting by means of veiled death threats to Trey Parker and Matt Stone for this week heavily censored South Park. Jeers to Comedy Central for bowing down to these threats instead of telling them to cram it with onions. Radical site made veiled threats against the two, going so far as to showing where they lived in Colorado. So in response I am extending my own fatawa against this site. Site founder Abu Talhah el Amrikee should be tracked, found and then have someone explain to him why this is bad idea in whatever way they see fit. I'm not condoning violence but if he were to have an "accident" I wouldn't lose any sleep. Assholes like this need to be stopped. They should be arrested. More than liely the FBI already has moles within their orginaztion but as to why they haven't been arrested yet is beyond me. These guys are dangerous. No more censorship. No more coddleing. It's time to make a stand for our freedom and our country which we are losing bit by bit because we refuse to stand up to these monsters. Fuck em. Incidently, if any muslim finds this post offensive, good. If you want me I'm armed. At all times. Come find me. I dare you.

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