Thursday, November 18, 2010

America the Dead

As a sat watching the news last night, I realized I couldn't take it anymore and switched it off. Anyone who doesn't believe we are slouching toward the end days really isn't paying attention.
Republicans proved my point as to the direction of the country by snubbing Obama yesterday because "they were too busy." There they were giving each other high fives and congratulating themselves on the death of the republic. Sickening. With unemployment extensions about to end at the end of the month, millions are going to be destitute. A recent report said that ending the benefits are going to cost this country 80 billion dollars more than if we paid up and 1 million lost jobs. Gee, sure is good that the economy is humming along. Oh wait it isn't.
With fascist bitch Napalitano in charge, our safety and freedom is at real risk. The older generation has taken a who cares attitude toard the new molestations going on at TSA checkpoints. If we started doing it at subways and buses and street corners are they going to be so docile? They might and that has me worried to the direction of this country. We are coming dangerously close to having no rights at all and the morons out there are giving them away freely. At least children under 12 aren't being molested anymore at the airports. But it's still not enough for me to fly. Remember Opt out day on the 24th. It is your duty as am American to stand up to this tyranny that is NOT making us safer. It actually making things worse.
As if that wasn't bad enough, I came across a long con being foisted upon the American people without their knowledge. GM stock went on sale yesterday. But only to rich investors. 15 billion in profit that is only going to go to the richest of the rich. Why? Because they have the means to gobble up any stock before it hits the market. It's like trying to get tickets to a popular concert tour. The reason they sell out in ten minutes is all the people with connections get the best seats first, then leave the leftovers for us common folk. That's what's happening with the stock market. It's all a scam paid for with your tax dollars. Feel safer or freer yet?

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