Monday, July 25, 2011


Today talks were successful in ending a long dragged out disagreement over how to spend accumulated money in the fairest way possible. Both sides dug in their heels, words were said, but eventually, triumphantly, a deal was made and the world rejoiced. If you thought I was talking about the US debt ceiling you'd be wrong. No the bitter lockout between NFL owners and players is now over after both sides came to terms that were agreeable for both. To recap, billionaires and millionaires were able to put aside their differences and come to a compromise. Yet, congress, in much the same way, simply cannot. The billionaires we have to deal with (hint: it rhymes were schmorporation) WILL NOT give a dollar back that they have stolen from is. They hold on to it screaming MINE MINE MINE at the top of their lungs until you just have the lunatic keep it to get some peace and quiet. And now these over privileged cry babies are using the beyond retarded Tea Party to really beat us down. Don't believe me. Here's a quick list of everything the Tea Party stands for:

End to Medicare, end to social security, end to abortion and gay rights, end to unemployment insurance, end to a minimum wage, end to child labor laws, end to anti-discriminatory laws (especially if you're gay or black), no money to infrastructure at all, no taxes on anybody ever for any reason.

What do they want:

Fascism, corporate control, a huge military and a police state.

What part of that sounds good to anybody? Anybody following the Tea Party is a traitor to this country and should be treated accordingly.

The latest on the debt crisis is not good as the GOP plan is the exact same plan voted down last Friday. Speaker Boener said it's the same principle as cut,cap and trade with a few minor differences that still don't stand a chance in the Senate. Why resurrect a dead horse? Plus, this bill is the exact same bill that killed California's economy. If you a stuck to to a budget, and the unthinkable happens, you have no money to deal with it. And if you do, cuts have to happen somewhere else. So because an earthquake kills a dozen people near the San Andreas fault, grandma is going to have to do without medical coverage for a few months. Right. This plan is terrible and has no chance of passage. Still the dead horse is flogged again.

We are running out of time, because regardless of what you've heard, the effects from this will be felt in some harsh manner. Stocks will likely fall, interests rates will rise and some portion of Americans are going to be cut off from a paycheck. Be prepared because the Tea Party is sinking us. The funny thing is they're going right down with us.

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