Friday, January 27, 2012


There is an old saying that going too many times to the well will be ones downfall. Newt Gingrich has epitomized this all too well at the last few debates. In the debate before last, the audience was taken out of the equations and, without the mob, Newt came across weak and ineffective. His barbs seem pointless and as Brian Williams is a decent newscaster and moderator, his star fell.

So what did Newt do? Cry like a bitch that it was "unamerican" to not let the crowd participate, even though this kind of nonsense is never allowed in a presidential debate. For anyone out there who still thinks Gingrich is a great debater really needs to study the subject a little better before injecting their uninformed opinion on the matter.

Newt was furthered hampered by the fact that Romney hired a debate coach and the effort shows. Romney is crucifying Gingrich in the last two debates. If it were a boxing match, Newt would have had to throw in the towel.

The last debate from Thursday night shows what a difference a moderator makes. Without John King there to screw it up, Wolf Blitzer actually did a reasonably good job. When Newt tried his old hat of blaming the media for everything, Wolf turned the tables on him and reminded him that the question he had just asked was brought up by Newt himself in the last debate and thus fair game. Newt deflated like a balloon as he realized he had no good answer, just deflection. Wolf matched Newt's Dick-fu (thank you John Stewart for that) with his own brand of Moderator-akido and knocked the fat bastard right in keyster. Way to go Wolf on that.

And what did Gingrich do this time? Cry even louder that the room was stocked with Romney supporters. They may well have been you fat fuck as people kind of hate you. And Florida is not going to be as red as South Carolia.

If Romney would only own up to the success of his Health Care program, he might actually be seen as a leader and not a flip flopper. Rick Santorum decided to hammer home anti-Romneycare lies post debate, and Romney failed to deflect any of it. Just to say again for the cheap seats: Romneycare is pretty good. I live in MA. Everyone has access to affordable health care and, regardless of how often it gets repeated, it does not take months to see either your doctor or a specialist. If I called my doctor today, the latest he would see me would be Wednesday, or five whole days from now. If it was an emergency he would see me sooner. I don't know where they get this statistic from that it takes months to see a doctor but is simply not true. Even when I was deathly ill a few years back, I got in to see specialists in less than two weeks. Try that in your state and see how long it takes you. By the way, the lack of GP's has nothing to do with Obamacare but the fact that there are fewer and fewer mostly due to the high cost of both education and medical malpractice insurance. Therefore they go into specialization, which pulls in more money than a GP. Just saying.

Gingrich numbers are plummeting in Florida, because that state is filled with people not originally from there and thus a wider diversification of opinions, rather than South Carolina that seems one step away from declaring a second secession from the Union. Romney is the only real alternative the average Republican has. Gingrich is too dickish, Santorum too religious and Paul too isolationistic for the average voter.

In the end it won't really matter. An Obama/Romney challenge will do little to save this country as both have very similar positions, regardless of what they may say in public to get elected. Both are beholden to big money and until that changes, nothing here ever will.

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