Sunday, August 19, 2012


Yes it took a few weeks, but the disgraceful Family Research Council takes the top spot from soon to return to grand high douchebaginess, Mitt Romney, for their idiotic claim of not being a hate group. Let's see those runner ups.

1)Britain- The government of Britain, acting as US lapdogs, has tried to arrest Julian Assange after he sought and received asylum from the Ecuadorian government and is now in hiding in their Embassy in London. Assange was about to be extradited for "rape" charges to Sweden, even though no crime had been committed and it wasn't even clear he was going to be charged in two highly questionable cases. Two women claimed they were "coerced into sex" and no condom was used. That is not rape. That is called having sex and regretting it later. If that was a crime, I'd be doing ten to twenty for women who sobered up, looked over at me and went "oh hell, what have I done." Shame is not a crime. And neither is this. This is a way to try to get Assange to America and into some off book prison to do God knows what. Assange knows his life is in danger from our out of control government and wisely told us to go to hell. The British have threatened to invade the embassy which would be an act of war. For now Assange is safe but who knows what stupidity will be the end result of this.

2)Obama's war on whistleblowers- One of things I hate most about our current president is his terrible track record on campaign promises and this is one of the worst. In 2008, Obama stated he wanted the most transparent government in history. We got the exact opposite. One of the biggest lies he told was that whistleblowers would be protected under his administration and then immediately went about destroying the lives of anyone who dared spoke up. Bradley Manning gave info that our government was engaged in killing innocent people and covering it up, a crime by the way, and he was sent to a deep dark hole for his trouble where, rumor is, he was tortured physically and psychologically. Obama has charged more people with violating the Espionage Act, six, which is more than all other previous presidents combined. Prior, there were only three, including the author of the Pentagon Papers which the courts rules legal. The courts have decidedly turned the other way, now making it a crime to report any form of wrongdoing the government is doing. That's right, if someone in the government finds out that money is being wasted or stolen, that person bringing it up will be arrested first. That's is fascism at it's best and if Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan weren't so dangerous for this country, I would never vote for Obama again.

3)Old people supporting Mitt Romney- Paul Ryan was in Florida this week where things got very heated in the crowd as some saw the GOP as destroying medicare and the others seeing Romney as the only way to get rid of that danged socialistic, Kenyan Obama, for which he is neither. Seniors were told, hey, we won't touch your benefits, just younger people. What they didn't tell anyone is their plan to privatize Medicare and SS will eventually destroy it for everyone, regardless of age, much like pensions are being eliminated country wide, retired or not. Voting for any Republican is voting to end all entitlement programs and don't buy into the lie that your money will be safe because it isn't. And then how stupid will you look then when you are broke and on the streets at 70.

4)Russia-The Russian punk band Pussy Riot was found guilty this week of "hooliganism motivated by religious hatred." What they did was free speech, a disappearing commodity everywhere at this point, and most Russians agreed that this was too much, including the Russian Orthodox Church which the group was protesting. Putin is becoming Czar Putin quickly and this is not good for the world as a whole.

5)The Middle East- Egypt is becoming more and more radical, Iran is all but thumbing their nose at the West, Syria is in an all out civil war, and Israel is itching to attack most of their neighbors. There is another rumor of war being averted with Iran until after the election, but with disinformation rampant, who knows when this will happen. The bad news is, it seems it will happen sometime between October and next March. Iran is on a path to destruction and chances are they are going to take a good portion of the world with them. If Israel does not attack Iran by October, chances are, they won't do anything until March.

6)Rasmussen Polls- These polls are so far off from what everybody else says they they must be eliminated from any further discussion. As they only use telephones, landlines mostly, the people they reach are more likely to be old, white and Republican. No wonder their stats are so out of whack with every other major poll on the planet.

7)Mitt Romney- With all this talk about voter fraud, it appear Mitt Romney may actually be guilty of it. According to his tax records, you know the one he actually released, he has an address in MA listed as his primary residence, which is in actuality the unfinished basement of his son. I don't know about you, but I don't think Romney spent any time in 2010 in an unfinished basement as his primary residence.

This may be the reason he is not giving up his earlier tax returns which would have a different address, I'll bet in La Jolla, CA. His voter registration card, in which he voted for Scott Brown, is listed as 18 Greensbrook Way, Belmont MA, his son Tagg's house making him a non resident according to MA law and therefore guilty of voter fraud. Why is nobody looking into this? Because no ever does. No one looked into Dick Cheney being ineligible for being VP as he was a resident of the same state as Bush, Texas, which is outlawed by the Constitution that the two top spots cannot be occupied by people from the same state. Cheney moved to Wyoming, but much like the Romney case, Wyoming law stated clearly he hadn't lived there long enough to establish residency. Even though this was common knowledge among people like myself, Gore and the democrats never used it. WHY? People should be contacting Martha Coakley to find out why this is being pursued.

As the birthers are still screaming bloody murder about that nonsense, once again we see deafening silence when it comes to their own candidate. What a bunch of worthless hypocrites. I want Mitt's driver's licence and long form birth certificate so I can scream fraud at the top of my lungs to and see how they like it.

8)Family Research Council- After the shooting this week in their office in DC, the head of the group, Tony Perkins (which is the funniest name he could have as it conjured up images of Norman Bates in drag and the fact that Perkins was gay) lambasted his critics for calling his organization a hate group and singled out the Southern Poverty Law Center for causing the attack because they labeled them a hate group. The FRC advocates "family values," anti-abortion rhetoric and anti-gay beliefs, almost all of which can be defined as bigoted nonsense and hateful. The laughable idea that the FRC is above the destruction they cause every day is pointedly hysterical. It is exactly places like this that cause rise to gay bashing, homophobia and attacks on abortion clinics.

Yet, here have another asshole playing the victim card when it is his own policies that are causing the problems in the first place. I keep hearing about freedom of speech and freedom of religion as their defense, but they seem to lack any understanding that free speech means I have the right to label you a hate group and with good reason. Some are saying the FRC is nothing like the KKK or the New Black Panthers but I disagree and say they are EXACTLY like those. Since when does being gay be any different than being black in the south in the 1950's. Gay people are being discriminated against and these fuckwads are hiding behind their Bible written 2000 years ago by backward sheep farmers. Can we all please enter the 21st century already and end this crap? Intolerance is intolerance and I am tired of everyone playing hurt when they own vitriol comes back to haunt them. If you want to say gays are evil then realize that some out there are not going to like that at all and some may resort to violence to make their point. The FRC is indirectly responsible for abortion attacks and gay bashing because of their nonsense of hate works both ways. You want peace on Earth, stop attacking gay people as evil because they aren't. You are. And that is my freedom of speech to say so stop whining about it. Congratulations Tony Perkins and the FRC, you are indeed douchebag of the week.

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