Sunday, January 14, 2018


Should be back to regular posting this week which is just in time to watch Republicans sink fast. Every stat, poll and pundit says there is no chance the Democrats don't take the House next year and that isn't considering there is a strong chance the Supreme Court is going to overrule gerrymandering laws, as a NC federal court just did, and action that could gift democrats three seats in that state alone with no effort. All of that would have been bad enough, but after Orange Hitler went full on racist behind closed doors, all hell broke loose. The clock is ticking on the Trump presidency. Let us see those runner ups.
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10)H&M- The level of ignorance in corporate america today is truly stunning. In what can only be described as tone deaf to the nth degree, this company thought in their infinite wisdom that making t-shirt with pithy comments on them would be cute, while somehow not noticing how fucking racist the ad campaign and clothing line were. In a photo shoot, one that would have required dozens to oversee this and not see a problem, decided that putting a little black kid in a green hoodie with the words "smartest monkey in the jungle," was not going to be a problem. They were of course, very, very wrong. People complained to high heaven and in South Africa, were anti-white sentiment is growing, their stores were vandalized. Those clothes are now pulled which makes me think that somewhere in Africa soon, some poor child is going to be wearing these when get donated and that is not any better. Wise up America.

9)Bella Thorne- Talk about spoiled white privilege. The red headed actress got herself in all sorts of hot water when she tweeted about how pissed she was she couldn't get to her boyfriend's concert because of mud slides. Twitter was quick to remind her that people died in that mudslide and she should show some respect. At least she acknowledged her mistake unlike some, the president hack cough, but still our youth have to realize the world does not revolve around them and them alone.

8)Anthony Fontana- Another asshole who doesn't realize the world has changed. This Louisiana superintendent was confronted by a teacher during a open hearing as to why it was okay he got a huge raise while the teachers have gotten nothing for years. He responded by having her arrested. All of this was caught on camera of course and now someone is getting death threats. There are cameras everywhere people. Act accordingly.
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7)Logan Paul- I hate internet stars. They are almost always loud, obnoxious losers with no filter and no talent. That being said, I was willing to give this guy a little slack for his tasteless video of finding a dead body in the suicide forest in Japan and then snickering about it. Then my Japanese fiancee showed me some other videos from her homeland and nope this guy is an asshole. I watched him act disgracefully at a temple, throw things at people that, had he done these same things here would have resulted in anywhere from a beating to getting shot, and other obnoxious actions. She begged me to put him on this list and I agree. He somehow makes around twelve million dollars a year doing this. Young people apparently have no sense of humor because this shit is rancid.

6)H.R. McMaster- Why is it that every general we get introduced to over the last few decades isn't fit to run a fast food joint let alone the most powerful military on Earth? This is what happens when you promote because of connections and not talent. People like McArthur and Patton would never have made the grade today and as a result we get idiots like Petreaus, Powell and McCrystal. Joining that list is this ass who for some inane reason is the brain power pushing for the "bloody nose" strategy in attacking North Korea, in which we launch some sort of token attack, showing we mean business. This scenario will almost certainly lead to a nuclear war and this ass, who allegedly studied Vietnam and all it's errors, is making the exact same mistake. Unbelievable!

5)#MeToo- This movement is really burning out fast. There was another spate of accusations this week and they got more and more bizarre as they went on. Paul Haggis' accusers got a slap to their face when his ex-wife defended him against several of the accusations, saying it was impossible for them to have happened, and there is solid proof of it, especially his back surgery that laid him out for weeks when some of these attacks allegedly happened. Eliza Dushku says she was molested on the set of True Lies and her story rings true. But then we whiplash back to accusations against James Franco, none of which I believe or in some cases, care. Two women were "distraught" he asked them to get naked on the set of the movie he was directing and was pissed when they wouldn't. Oh the horror. Acting sometimes requires nudity. Get used to it or find another job and no that is not sexual harassment. Aziz Ansari was even more distressing because the story against him seems like a guy trying to get laid and the woman not sure she wants to. However, she never once SAID no, instead, saying she gave "lots of nonverbal cues that she was not interested." Unless you say NO, guys are going to keep going. In no universe is thinking no the same as saying it. And can we leave Woody Allen out of this please? He had one, ONE accusations against him, made by his ex-lover days after he left her for her step daughter. Yeah, no motive to lie there. Can we get back to evidence before we condemn someone to death please?
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4)Hawaii- If you were in Hawaii yesterday, there was probably a run on clean underwear after some idiot hit the wrong button and told the entire island that a nuclear missile was on the way and they should kiss their ass goodbye. Panic ensued for 38 MINUTES where children were thrown into storm drains, stores were emptied of goods and, most likley, an awkward exchange between roommates who decided to fuck as the world was about to end. The fact this went on for 38 minutes before anyone realized it is even worse than the initial mistake.

3)Joe Arpaio- In what can only be described as a gift for democrats, disgraced ex-sheriff and convicted felon (now pardoned) has decided to run for the Senate seat. Roy Moore part 2 anyone. This act has sent Bannon acolyte Kelly Ward to the bottom of the polls and she tried to distance herself from Bannon  and Arpaio while also saying she loves Trump, which doesn't really work as Trump and Arpaio are best buds. Now it comes down between McSally and Arpaio and, as a result, a hard right primary that may fatally damage whoever wins. Arizona is looking more and more likley to go blue, especially if Arpaio wins the primary, this will send Hispanic votes rallying against him, like black people did in Alabama. If McSally wins, she may be too heavily damaged to win the moderate votes she needs. Good luck Arizona. You are going to need it.

2)Republicans- What a spineless bunch of butt lickers these guys have turned into. Several more house seats opened after two California Republicans, Issa and Royce, saw they had zero chance of winning reelection and bolted for the hills instead. Trey Gowdy stepped down from the ethics chair, signaling that Trump may be in more trouble than we think. The crowning achievement was bending themselves into a pretzel to either deny or obfuscate the president's racist statements during a meeting. Cotton and another Senator said they never heard the president call Africa a "shithole," meaning they are both deaf and should get fitted for a hearing aid because many others there confirm he said just that. They are going to get walloped later this year at this rate.
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1)Trump- This week, he proved he is a racist. After calling Africa a "shithole," he then asked we why we don't have more people coming to America from places like Norway. So to recap, he asked why are there so many brown and black people coming here and not enough white people? Yeah that is not racist at all. Besides, no one from Norway comes here willingly because it is way better to live there than here. They have free health care, six weeks vacation and make twice as as much as the average person here. Yeah, they will be lining up to halve their salary and benefits? The denial he said was laughable as he definitely said this. This of course set up it's own shitstorm as Africa demanded an apology and Haitian Americans like Congresswoman Mia Love called him out over his racist comments. Pundits bent over backwards to clarify the statements but they went nowhere fast. This was Hillary's deplorable comment all over again. Africa is indeed a shit hole. But the people aren't. I dated a girl from Haiti back in college and have known several black immigrants from places like Ethiopia and Somalia over the years and the one thing they all had in common was a drive to work real hard. Lazy is not in their vocabulary. Who doesn't want people like that here? Orange Hitler apparently who wants everyone to be a lot more Aryan. Who does that remind you of? Trump is a monster who thankfully seems to be on borrowed time. Democrats are poised to take back the House and every poll shows Trump losing in 2020 to literally everyone, including Oprah. His days may be even further numbered when Mueller comes out with what will almost certainly be damning evidence against him. So enjoy it while you can Trump because you are indeed douchebag of the week.

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