Sunday, January 2, 2011


In a week of Holy Cow WTF moments, leave it to NYC Unions to screw things up for everyone nationwide. These guys are some of the worst douchebags EVER. More on them later. Let's see the runner ups.

1)Muslim Extremists- In what can only be described as the stupidest terrorists of all times, Muslim nutbags blew up Catholics in Egypt with a suicide bomb attack. How does killing innocent people further your cause? Oh wait, it doesn't. As a matter of fact, other than in a handful of Middle East countries and possibly North Korea, their influence is in serious decline. No terrorist organization can survive by mindlessly blowing up people whose religious differences you don't like. It would be the equivalent if someone killed another guy because he was eating Spagetti-o's and not Chef Bourardee. All it's doing is giving people a reason to HATE Islam. If that's your goal than bravo, your doing a bang up job. Sooner or later, a Muslim psycho is going to do something so outlandish and evil that the world will throw up the hands and say enough. At the point, you guys are going to be the new Jews of the Holocaust. Is that really your ultimate aim? Do you want billions of innocent people to suffer horrendously because you're too stupid to understand what the actual religion stands for? Muslims should be dedicated to peace, as the Christians and Jews should as well. Not that any of them do but only Muslims see suicide bombing as a legitimate form of protest. It isn't. And all your doing is pissing in the face of a tiger. Catholics are rioting in Egypt right now demanding equal protection. The government is trying to restore peace and is likely to go Tarantino on the families involved. This nonsense must stop or else the Muslim world will really see a clash of civilization, a war they cannot win. Good luck with the whole terrorist/suicide bombing thing. You're doing great. For our side.

2)Fox News- Rapidly becoming the most schitzophrenic news agency out there, the channel has become both a beacon of truth and propaganda machine all at once. Certain news personalities like Shepard Smith, Geraldo Rivera, and Judge Napalitano all spout truths that should be outlawed on the channel they speak, but there they are talking about 9/11 problems, fracking and corporate maleficence. And then there's the other parts like Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin lying through their teeth. Recently it came to light that Fox News had turned in a grandmother for making anti-American statements. Yes she's a Muslim convert and may have some limited terrorist connections, but she has every right to speak out about our government and it's problems. As a far as I can tell, she never was out to get anybody, but she spoke her mind and Fox News told the government all about it, who hammered her. Our ability for free speech has been severely curtailed in our new fascist internment. Fear the news rules.

3)NYC Unions- It has come to light this week that the reason the NYC streets weren't plowed for days was a Union authorized slowdown due to their anger over recent budget cuts. Two people died because of that and many more needlessly suffered because these privileged assholes thought this would be a good way to protest. It wasn't, douche. Further, the American people are becoming increasingly hostile to unions because of crap like this. Unions are why people have decent income compared to the rest of us. We all should be union. But when dicks like this do stuff, people LOATHE unions and want them gone. Also gone will be all the well paying jobs from the past that unions get us. Unions got all of us vacation days, health care, workplace safety, 40 hour work weeks, child labor laws and many other too numerous to list here. All that goes away because all people see are greedy unions overreaching and lazy. Which they are. So way to go DOUCHEBAGS for screwing things up for the whole country. You are our first douchebag of the week for 2011.

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