Monday, January 31, 2011

Egypt and what it means

The fall of Egypt and the turmoil spreading world wide has several serious consequences both good and bad depending on what occurs over the next few weeks. The Era of Rage is in full swing as people get pissed at the rich running rampshod over the rights. What happened in Egypt could easily happen here, especially if conditions deteriorate as I expect they will over the next six months. But first we have to deal with the fallout happening throughout the Middle East.

Mubarak is done. That much is certain. What will replace him isn't. If Muslim fundamentalist take over the country, life as we know it could end suddenly. Egypt is one of the last regimes to have peaceful relations with Israel. Jordan is the other while the rest, including once ally Turkey, are all set to attack again at a moments notice. If WW3 is your cup of tea then sit back, grab some popcorn because in that scenario, we are all doomed. If Egypt falls to terrorist types, gas will hit the stratosphere, our economy will sink like the Titanic and war will be all but inevitable. However, if peaceful types take control, including still being an ally of Israel, the threat of war will diminish significantly, gas prices may well lower and a new era of calm may take hold in the Middle East. It's all or nothing with what is going to occur and I have no predictions one way or another how it will play out. There is also a third possibility of Mubarak fighting to keep control and a bloody civil war erupts, where either possibility becomes apparent again.

Right now Israel doesn't seem too happy with the US and Europe keeping Egypt at arm's length. They would rather us support the failing leader as he is a staunch supported of Israel. We have gone the other route and waiting to see which way the wind blows. This could be either a brilliant strategy or one that blows up in our face. I'm guessing the former but hey stranger things have happened.

On our home front, Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palim proved that retarded monkeys would be better than either of these two morons ever speaking again. During her "tea party" speech after Obama's State of the Worthless Union, She made many historical inaccuracies such as our forefathers fighting against slavery (they didn't), Bush being wholly not responsible for the mess were are in (he was) and graphs that left out crucial data. Palin, not to be outdone, talked at length about Obama's speech mentioning a Sputnik moment, or the realization that the USSR was beating us to space and we better do something about it. In her speech she commented that the Russians won the space race (they didn't), that Sputnik helped cause the Soviet collapse (Sputnik was in the fifties, the Soviet Union collapsed in 91), and that Obama is a communist (he isn't). As a matter of fact anyone saying that we live in some commie socialistic state should be punched as hard as they can to perhaps ring some sense into these Beck following Brownshirts. We live in a Fascist State. Period. Glenn Beck and these other two harpies are making America dumber as if that was feasibly possible. Beck is constantly rallying against Socialism which he doesn't understand and making up history as he sees fit. Stop listening to fools and read a goddamned book America.

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