Friday, April 8, 2011

The Coming Week to Watch

For whatever reason, the week of April 16th is widely found to be days of death and destruction. In particular, April 19th and April 20th have been associated with some rather heinous acts: Columbine, Waco, OKC, the execution of Tim McVeigh (I admit that one's not heinous but just odd), and the BP oil spill all happened on one of these two days.

It has been long rumored that this week is the feast week of the demon Ba'al, a Babylonian god who eats children. Look at the list above and see how many children were harmed in these attacks. I'm not saying that the demon Ba'al is alive and well and eating our children but it an interesting side note at least.

With the war on Libya going badly, it is not being said that ground troops will be necessary to win the war. Wow, really? How many air wars have ever been won without ground troops? None. That's right. Zero. The planning for these wars seem to have less thought than a lunch order. As we seem to have no idea what is going on on the ground, we keep accidentally bombing the wrong side. NATO didn't know the rebels had tanks and bombed them. Swell.

The current gridlock on DC is now being held up by anti-abortion idiots who wants money stripped from Planned Parenthood. The Democrats in a rare show of backbone have said no way. I hope they stick to their guns because this kind of nonsense has no business in a budget battle. Info on what will occur should the government shut down is sketchy at best with military pay being possibly delayed. Why I have no idea as every government website says they get paid still in shut down. Freakin' senators get their pay though. How fair is that? If this stretches on for any length of time, Republicans will pay a heavy price with everyone except the retarded Tea Party.

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