Thursday, April 28, 2011

Evolution VS Creationism: Which One Does God Support?

The debate of evolution and creationism has been going on for centuries and while the rest of the world accepts it as fact, the US seems to be taking a backward step. How backward? Even the Catholic Church has accepted the reality of evolution while still believing that God created us. So if religious institutions have come to grips with evolution, why hasn’t everyone?

There is compelling evidence that we are evolved from monkeys. Chromosome 2 shows a fusion between chimpanzee and human DNA, just like we would expect from such an evolutionary tract. Dozens of fossils show missing links from ocean dwellers to land animals, including long extinct creatures that possess both gills and feet. The most compelling evidence is that we can actually watch evolution happen right in front of our eyes with new species and even human existence.

But does this negate the possibility of God? No. At no point does evolution say God does not exist but is in actuality just more complex. And shouldn’t that be the way God works? Arthur C Clarke said that any technology superior to ours would be seen as magic and that philosophy would work for God as well. Maybe he has better toys than we do.

The only hiccup in evolutionary theory, and one that every creationist throws back into the face of reason, is that we still don’t really understand why we became sentient while most other creature on the planet didn’t. We did evolve into rational beings in less than 30,000 years which is a blink of the eye in evolutionary terms. But rather than evoke God as a reason, perhaps we were unique in that area for some reason due to how our brains were wired. Or maybe environmental reasons, such as exposure to some toxin, propelled us forward. Or maybe aliens really did force evolution on us as the ancient Sumerian myths told us. All are better explanations than God did it.

It is universally accepted that the Earth is not 6000 years old, that man evolved from apes and the Bible is NOT the source of all historical fact. With the invention of things like math and reading, we can prove all the above are true. But that also doesn’t mean that God is not real. It is too bad that believing in one, always seems to negate the other.

So is teaching creationism a bad thing for schools? Here is what Andrew J. Coulson of the Cato Institute wrote: "Intelligent design contends that life on Earth is too complex to have evolved naturally, and so must be the product of an unspecified intelligent designer. Most adherents of this idea would undoubtedly be happy just to have it taught to their own children, and most of my fellow evolutionists presumably believe they should have that right. So why are we fighting?
We're fighting because the institution of public schooling forces us to, by permitting only one government-sanctioned explanation of human origins. The only way for one side to have its views reflected in the official curriculum is at the expense of the other side. But what Coulson fails to realize is that religious ideals have no place in the schools, especially scientific studies."

Many others think so as well. Professor Reiss , of the British Royal Society, has issued the following clarification. "Some of my comments about the teaching of creationism have been misinterpreted as suggesting that creationism should be taught in science classes. Creationism has no scientific basis. However, when young people ask questions about creationism in science classes, teachers need to be able to explain to them why evolution and the Big Bang are scientific theories but they should also take the time to explain how science works and why creationism has no scientific basis. I have referred to science teachers discussing creationism as a worldview'; this is not the same as lending it any scientific credibility." His comments about this subject caused him to be fired for even suggesting creationism had a factual basis.

So why do so many hold on to a belief system that even the highest levels of their religion say is nonsense? Surprisingly, it is the inventions of things like the internet that has made progress come to a screeching halt for some. With so much information out there, much of it wrong, people can confirm their own beliefs while ignoring common sense. Do you think that God wants ignorance and stupidity or reasoned debate? I know which and so should all of you.

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