Thursday, November 21, 2013


Two ends of the spectrum today with Democrats finding their spine and black teens demonstrating abject racism and stupidity all rolled up into one big ball. Let's start with the positive news first shall we.

Democrats, led by the surprisingly strong and smart decision by Harry Reid, went nuclear today and changed Senate rules to no longer allow filibusters of non-Supreme Court judicial and executive candidates. No longer will the obstructionist Republicans be allowed to deny appointments for whatever reason they decide that day. I am sick and tired of hearing cries of "It's Benghazi," which turned out to be nothing. On that note, I would like to point out that also today, John Boehner and the rest of the right in the House voted to cut security for embassies world wide for the fourth straight year. If you want someone to blame for what happened there, stop blaming the President and look in a mirror guys.

So now the President can finally get through appointments that have been stalled for years and possibly, even allow Holder and Sibelius to resign quietly to "spend more time with their families," now that he doesn't have to worry about stalling on their successors. Republicans have threatened to change the rules if they get back in power in 2014 (no longer that doubtful with Obamacare on the ropes and failing), but that is still some time off and, in the meantime, Patricia Millett, was appointed judge to the DC Circuit of Appeals. This was one of those nomination that had been filibustered in the past, but now sailed through with a simple majority.

Even if somehow, someway, the Presidency goes to a Republican in 2016, and that's a big IF, I still don't think any nomination, no matter which side of the aisle you are on, should be held up by more than a simple majority. That is how democracy works. If you don't like it, fuck off. Move somewhere else. I hear China is nice.

In all the years before Obama was in office, 82 filibusters were used to derail nominees. In the past five, the GOP used it 86 times. Now Janet Yellin will be appointed to the FED and Jeh Johnson to Homeland without all the malarkey. The funny part is the right brought it on themselves. Lindsey Graham was using the whole fake Benghazi scandal as his reasoning for gumming up nominations, but when the whole story went belly up, he still refused to negotiate, still beating a dead horse. If you can't find reason with someone, sometimes you have to strike first, which the Democrats did. Good.

Then there is the opposite end of the spectrum. For some time now, I have theorized that racism is rampant in black communities in ways not seen in white ones. Now let's be real: there is still racism against black people in white America. We see it in the way the President is treated. We see it in prison sentences. We see it in some communities, especially in rural areas which have little interaction with black people and only see the bad in them due to media intrusion. But, black racism is everywhere, in every community in this country and that is inexcusable.

The Trayvon Martin should have been a wake-up call for black people who instead went into the whole victim mentality, and screamed RACISM at George Zimmerman who I still don't think is a racist. Moron, idiot, and schmuck all come to mind, especially with his latest round of trouble that may or may not include a crazy girlfriend. Why is Zimmerman still in Florida? Casey Anthony high tailed it out of there the minute her trial ended. What kind of fool stays in a place where almost everyone hates you. But he was not in the wrong in his shooting from what the evidence said. Martin attacked Zimmerman and got killed for it. Now black youths everywhere are competing as to who can die next.

It's called the knockout game and it is having lethal consequences. Apparently, black teens are punching unsuspecting white people and trying to knock them out. I would like to point out that ALL the victims of this hate crime are white. Not black, not Indian, not Hispanic. Not one. In NYC, it is almost exclusively white Jews. Double hate crime there guys. How is that not racist to the extreme? Let's reverse this story. Gangs of white kids are beating older black people in rural areas across America. Black people would be up in arms, demanding justice and we would have to listen to Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton ad naseum. Now that the opposite is happening, those two knuckleheads are once again silent. I hate the two of them. MLK would disown them.

This has led to the murder of one innocent person in NJ. Ralph Santiago was killed when he fell onto an iron post after being sucker punched. Worse, he was the victim of a similar attack twenty years previous that left him permanently disabled. The teens have not been identified yet even though they have been arrested, but I sure hope they like prison. Two others have died in previous attacks in 2011 and 2012, but this game is becoming a world wide phenomena right now, showing ignorance is contagious.

Apparently, tasers are being used now as well. One black idiot, Marvell Weaver tried to use a taser against an unsuspecting target. Unfortunately for him, he almost wound up six feet under because, just like Trayvon Martin, he picked a fight with someone who had a gun. When the taser didn't work, he got shot twice, almost paralyzing him. Then after his hospital visit, he gets to sit in a nice comfy jail cell for the next decade for 1st degree assault. Guess who regrets playing this stupid game?

This is racism run amok in the black community that have adopted such a victim pathology that seem incapable of even relating with anyone outside of their race anymore. This is a recipe for disaster as all this will do is further marginalize them to the outskirts of society. We should be seeing black leaders demand better parenting, better education and better job prospects. Instead we get the "let's blame whitey for all of our problems." You can't fix a society if everyone's home is broken. This game is a travesty and the black community better stand up against it because the end result will be even more segregation and more poverty. Your choice.

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