Monday, February 24, 2014


North Korea was given a stern warning that they may be facing war crimes for all the garbage that country does. China, by association, also faces criticism for backing the totalitarian regime. I am sure glad that neither country has nuclear weapons (roll eyes and sigh). Let's see those runner ups.

1)McDonalds- These guys are rapidly becoming like Walmart and doing every douchebag thing they can think of. It's bad enough they serve substandard food while paying their employees slave wages (while reaping billions in profits) but this week they hit a new low. A New York employee who had worked for the fast food chain for the past eight years was fired for paying out of pocket for a firefighter's order who had put out a nearby house fire. She and others had paid for the meals out of pocket after management nixed the idea of giving them the food for free, which the owner did for police on a regular basis. When corporate found out, they fired her. They made up the usual lame excuse for her firing that we have to suffer from as we have NO protection thanks to anti-union sentiment, and she was given the heave ho. As McDonalds revenues are dropping fast, this kind of attention can only make them drop further. Screw McDonalds and their corporate overlords.

2)Pastor Jamie Coots- One of the dumbest religions on the planet are the snake handlers in the rural south where idiots handle deadly serpents, sure in their devout faith that God will protect them. He must have taken the day off this past week because the star of some idiotic reality show I have never heard of, Jamie Coots, was bitten and died. That is funny. It reminds me of the old story about the frog and snake and when the snake bites the frog and he asks why, the snake responds, "because I am snake." The stupidity of mankind never ceases to amaze me. What part of "the Bible is not all true" can people not get through their tiny skull?

3)Florida Juries and black people- This week a Florida jury once again proved their complete disdain for common sense when once again they failed to come up with a decision against Michael Dunn. Nevermind the fact Dunn shot a car full of unarmed teens, killing Jordan Davis, the jury got hung up on murder charges and on that sole charge a mistrial was declared. The fact that they couldn't decide between first degree murder, second degree murder and manslaughter, all of which they had the option to do, proves my point that the general public is no longer qualified to listen to cases. As we have dumbed down the populace so much, these brainpowers wouldn't have been able to make a decent lunch order let alone convict someone who should have been found guilty. On the flip side, black people went nuts with the usual crap of "No Justice, No peace," and descended on the court with lynch mob mentality. Just like Trayvon Marton, no one in the black community seems to understand that Davis was partially responsible for his own death by acting like a jackass. Did he deserve to get shot? No. Did he ask to get shot? He sure did. And it's not like Dunn got away scot free as he faces 60 years in prison for charges he was found guilty of. Until the black community starts taking responsibility for their kids, this is going to continue, but in today's "everyone is at fault but me" mentality, that seem to permeate throughout black and Republican society, this will happen again.

4)Joe The Plumber- This douchebag has resurfaced, this time as a new employee of Chrysler, which is a union job. When this guy ran unsuccessfully for Congress he was all anti-union and kept telling us how bad for business they are. Now that he needs a job however, unions are just fine with him. What a freaking hypocrite. I hope he loses an arm in some "industrial accident."

5)Hot Pockets- I have always thought that Hot Pockets tasted like someone had used Simpson school lunch meat (circus animals and filler) that had been left out in the sun for a few years. Turns out, I wasn't that far off. Two of their "Philly Cheese steak" varieties were pulled from shelves because "they were unfit for human consumption." EEEEWWWWW. Seems Central Valley Meat Co. used diseased animals for their meat which is just as disgusting as it sounds. This is not the first time this company has been found to be distributing unsound products, with several recalls over that last few years, including bits of plastic in their food and for mistreatment of their livestock. Parent company Nestle is no stranger to controversy as they have been one of the top companies trying to restrict water rights across the planet. It is also telling that Central supplies 16% of all school meat in CA. Again, see Simpsons meat from above and tell me it's not accurate.

6)FEMA- Anyone who says we are not living in a proto-fascist state needs to see this. FEMA, very quietly, has changed their flood maps nationwide to exclude rich communities from federal flood plain maps, thus letting them pay far less in insurance costs even though they live in high risk areas. One condo group in Palm Springs which floods regularly, saw their premiums drop from hundreds of thousands to less than ten grand a year. Meanwhile, people who are barely getting by have seen FEMA alter their maps to now claim them instead. In MA, Saugus was just such a town. Yes it floods regularly, but not the whole town which the map now encompasses. Residents have complained that they haven't had a flood in some of these areas in over forty years but now have to pay through the nose for insurance just cause while rich areas are getting much lower costs supported on tax payers backs. Ain't America grand?

7)Muslim Terrorists- This week, some brain powers in Egypt decided that going after tourism is the way to defeat the government and blew up a bus with South Korean tourists on it. They then gave an ultimatum for all tourists to leave by Tuesday or face more attacks. This is the surest way to lose any conflict, as demonstrated by Sun Tzu and seen countless time from Vietnam to Afghanistan. If you lose the public's faith in you, the war is over. Vietnam alienated both the indigenous populace and the people at home whose stomach for war was tested. As a result, we lost. Muslim terrorists are going to get their heads handed to them if the Egyptian economy gets wrecked and people start starving in the street because of it. Expect lynch mobs soon to start attacking anyone who even seems overly religious if this continues.

8)Obama and the Republicans- Proof that Obama is Republican light, the President has joined forces with John Boehner and a hundred and fifty house Republicans to get the awful TPP passed. That's right, Obama and the Tea Party want this thing passed while a huge majority of Democrats have said "no way." Anyone who thinks voting for the GOP is still a good thing will be in a whole lot of hurt if this thing passes as the America you know will end right afterward. Good jobs? Gone. The environment? Destroyed. Fascism? Here to stay. In the next election, we can no longer vote for any corporatist and that includes Hillary, Christie and any other douchebag that is not going to stand up for the little guy.

9)North Korea- The UN issued a statement that Kim Jung Un and others could face war crimes for their actions which are killing millions in their own country. The ICC may press charges against the country which will most likely have no effect as they have no way of extraditing anyone from their and as they have nukes, war is even less likely. North Korea is killing their populace and because we refused to do anything about it in 1994, the world is far less safe. All those idiots who say what's the worst thing that could happen if Iran gets nukes conveniently overlook North Korea which may one day actually use them. We don't allow five year olds to play with loaded weapons, but dangerous regimes with planet ending weaponry is just fine. So congratulations North Korea you are indeed douchebag of the week.

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