Sunday, March 9, 2014


Yes, with CPAC this week, we got not only a healthy dose of crazy, but some of the most suicidal talk from Republicans who have officially lost touch with reality. The fact that Rand Paul won the straw poll for the second year in a row is telling, yet the party base wants to do the exact opposite of everything Paul is telling them to do. Let's see those runner ups.

1)Malaysian Airlines- In this country we have some of the worst and strictest airline security on Earth. It is strict to such a point that getting anything on board would be a herculean task while at the same time wasting billions of dollars on crap that doesn't work, like those much touted explosive booths that have been removed and the naked x-ray scanners that have also been altered. However, it also turns out that the US is one of only a handful of countries worldwide that check passport info with Interpol to make sure they are not stolen. Two stolen passports, used at the same time, were aboard the plane that recently disappeared on way to China. As Malaysian Air never bothered to check that the passports were not stolen, did they inadvertently let two terrorists on board? Two other stolen passports were also allegedly used on the same flight, but that remains unverified. Anyone you look at it, this airline is going to be sued back to the Stone Age. Nice to see incompetence is world wide and not just here at home.

2)MA Supreme Court- In a truly mind boggling decision, the high court here in this state decided that way the law was worded, taking photos of women upskirt wasn't illegal. as they said nudity wasn't a factor. They do know that some women wear thongs or go commando right? How is that not naked? Either way, the left and right got to together, drafted a bill, passed it and had the governor sign it in less than 24 hours that made it illegal again. How come we can't do that with anything else?

3)The Boy Scouts- A lot has been made about gay rights lately and the boy scouts are the latest group to be on the wrong side of history. Disney is a gay friendly industry, because any smart businessman knows gay people spend money just like everyone else, and has decided to stop all funding for local boy scout troops until they lift the ban on gay scout leaders. That is standing up against the Christian right and I applaud Disney for it, even though I am still pissed about the screenplay they stole from me several decades ago. If you ever saw the animated film, Atlantis, I wrote it, they stole it, or changed it enough so I got zero credit for it, depending on who you believe. But as I have no way of proving who did it or how it's all moot anyway. For all I know Disney execs might not even have known and the writer who got credit plagiarized me. It's all water under the bridge either way. But for now, Disney is at least being progressive.

4)The Immaculate Heart of Mary School- I went to Catholic School for many, many years. I was never taught the world is 6000 years old. Gay people were not the spawn of Satan, which is good because I know at least two people from back then who came out years later. This school based in Boston however has been unruly toward gay people, abortion rights and other hot button topics. After gays were allowed to march in the upcoming St. Patrick's Day Parade, this school dropped out, just like they did in the past for other events that held "blasphemous" ideals. When gays were excluded again in a controversial move, these guys came back, now that they won't be soiled by having to see gay people. If my school experience is any example though, at least a dozen of those attending the school are probably gay too.

5)Russia- These guys have been on a tear lately. Putin has been described by Merkel as "out of touch with reality," which is just what you want to hear for a person controlling the world's largest nuclear arsenal. They have hurt their economy, are facing sanctions for their actions, and may even be expelled from the UN if they continue. Their economy is still hurting from this bad decision which could lead to worldwide economic ruin if they decide to start dumping dollars, along with Chinese, which would start a hyperinflationary effect which might double food prices overnight. This is a very volatile situation.

6)China- Not reported anywhere in Western media this week was the collapse of Charoi Solar, the first default for any Chinese company. As the Chinese recently bailed out two banks, this is a bad sign for their economy. Equally bad is the news that while banks in the US have only a $2.1 trillion debt risk for loans, the Chinese have a $15 trillion loan risk, which is the kind of thing that sunk us hard in 2008. If their loans start going belly up, their economy will crash and that will take the world's down with it. Chinese debt is now 213% of total GDP, up from 140% in 2007. Sound familiar because we already went down this road with awful results.

7)The Tea Party- This week, two Tea Party morons proved that this group is anti-gay, anti-abortion and anti-women, regardless of how many times they try to say otherwise. In Kansas this week, a Tea Party group is attempting to get the anti gay marriage bill back on tract, while the head of the local operation wrote a scandalous letter about how much gay people are evil and deserve no rights. What a dick. Janis Lane, a Tea Party head from Central Mississippi was recently quoted as saying women should never have gotten the right to vote and this is coming from A WOMAN! It's like a black guy saying slavery was awesome and we should go back to that way of life. What a bunch of morons.

8)Republicans- It was another banner week for the GOP. We had John McCain and Lindsey Graham foaming at the mouth and attacking Obama for not standing up to Putin, conveniently forgetting the nuclear war that awaits should this go south quick. Lawrence Lockman (R-Maine) who once wrote about that AIDS was caused by people's addiction to sodomy has now said that is abortion as legal, so should rape, as if the two go together. Paul Ryan released his budget ideas which haven't changed an iota since losing in 2012 and inadvertently proved every point he made about poverty wrong when stats he touted turned out to be the exact opposite of his predicted results. The best was CPAC which had many, like Ted Cruz, suggesting that the reason they lost the last few elections was they were not conservative enough and should go after gays and abortion rights harder. This flies in the face of the fact that Rand Paul who has the opposite ideas, won handily the straw poll. A recent poll taken among Generation Wuss suggests that they do not care about anti-gay positions and are more worried about pot legalization, immigration and jobs. If they continue down this road, they stand to lose biug in 2014. Their idiocy is already causing shockwaves in the Georgia race where seven GOP candidates are comically losing to the sole democrat running against them. They are filled with Tea Party nonsense, creationists and anti-Obama racists. No wonder they are losing. Yet the GOP wants even more of this. Good luck with that guys because you are indeed douchebag of the week.

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