Saturday, October 2, 2010


This was a tough one folks. This week saw more douchebags than ever before and it was a real hard decision. What the hell is happening? Have we really lost our collective minds? I fear we have. Let's look at this week peanut gallery of stupidity.

1)The People who bought the house from the "real" Amityville Horror. Last year it came to my attention that the house in Amityville that housed an actual multiple murder committed by Ronald DeFoe back in 1974 was up for sale. Infamous afterward for housing an obvious hoax haunted house that probably had to more to do with the Lutz's owing money to various people than a real haunting, it was a local attraction much to the chargrin of the owners. So when the new owners bought it for below market value, instead of capitalizing on said property they instead told people to stay the hell away and leave them alone. Nice purchase douchebags. Being left alone is not going to be in the cards even after the previous owners defaced the house to make it look less like the house it was to disguise it. Real smart. The money lost on this is staggering.

2)Tom Coburn- Republican form Oklahoma has "anomalously" held up bills in Congress on such things as food safety, a women's museum in his home state (because woman already have a quilting museum and a botanical gardens), and a billion dollars in relief to Haiti, because why help people already so well off (insert sarcasm here). Thus guy needs to go and quick.

3) Rick Sanchez- Fired from CNN for spouting, on air, about the control of the media by the Jews and how John Stewart is a Jewish bigot. Oh and according to him, he was fired for being Hispanic. Right. Take your spic ass and get lost. That's racism. And well deserved in this case, douchebag. By the way Jews don't run the media. They do control the banks (which is my douchebag of the week but not because their Jewish which is incidental to the greed perpetrated by members of all races and religions).

4) The Democrats- Trying their hardest to lose the next election, these idiots went on break without passing the Bush tax cuts for most of us, but not wanting to allow the Republicans to stall the bill which would have painted them as out of touch losers. The tax cuts cannot continue for everyone as we can't afford it. It will cost 3.9 trillion dollars to allow the tax cuts to continue for everyone. And the rich don't need that money. Stop crowing about how they create jobs, which they do, in places like China and Bangladesh.

5) Republicans, the Tea Party and like minded voters- Vowing to end the country, the new Republican candidates have done a spectacular job the last few weeks proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that these idiots are completely unfit for office. Palladino's threat of violence against a reporter sounded very Sopranos form an Italian candidate. I can't imagine that will win him votes form moderates and independents. O'Donnel continues to struggle with her latest salvo form Bill Maher showing her as a creationist, which makes you ineligible for any job or position in this country as it makes you a retard. These idiots will end us.

6) Banks- It has come to light that banks jumped the gun by rushing hundreds of thousands of failing mortgages into foreclosure without looking into whether it was actually true. People signed tens of thousands of sheets of paper per month without the slightest bit of research into whether or not the paperwork was accurate. The result is that most banks have suspended foreclosures for the moment while they sort out the issues. Worse, this is not an isolated incident but one that falls across all banks countrywide. Congratulation, you are indeed douchbag of the week.

Conservative economist Paul Farrell has posted his latest column showing how everybody listed above is conspiring, unknowingly in most cases, the end of this country. First, the rise of the Tea Party is a double edged sword. This country needs a revolution just a smarter one. The policies the people want will drive us off a cliff. First, as seen this week, democrats wimped out like the pussies they are about the tax cuts for the rich. Why is the filibuster never used just threatened? Let the R party stand up and tell the American people that they only stand for the rich? See how many votes that winds them in November? But no, that didn't happen. As a result Obama loses control of the House, a likely scenario, making Obama a lame duck for his next two years and gridlock a reality. The GOP gains both the senate and the Presidency in 2012. Health care is repealed, millions lose their insurance. Free market deregulation returns with obvious results. Greed kills the economy sending us into the Greatest Depression. Revolution occurs against the rich as class warfare boils over. The Pentagon also says that by this time, resource wars will break out worldwide. Sounds like fun huh. This is what you are voting for morons. The end of everything.
In a similarly bleak report, Prof. Peter Morici, former chief economist of the International Trade Commission, writes in his report "Decadence in 2010 election US," that the US political landscape is so devastating that it will help end the world. He makes ten points that the two political parties in this country will offer no positive reforms ever (they haven't so far), the parties have become to big govern (special interests have taken over and the recent Supreme Court descion about money and politics will destroy us), and policies by politicians over the last 30 years have made us second class citizens (like NAFTA and China entering the WTO with no strings attached). No politician has the correct idea how to fix things and hiring CEO insiders is helping to compound the problem with people like Paulson and Geitner. With no ideas how to fix things like health care which the Democrats helped sabotage by getting rid of the public option, our system is doomed. We pay more than any other country for one of the worst health care systems in the world. Yet every moron out there is convinced this "socialist" agenda is damaging to society. It isn't and if you got off your fat ass to look up a word every now and again you might actually live to see another year. Wall street rules America dn the Tea Party seems destined to allow that to happen, considering how many CEO's are running with Tea Party support. Don't they know that they are voting for a fascist agenda? Morici writes, correctly so, that neither government nor business are the enemies here, that both are necessary for a democratic government. But with the fool tea party in power we are coming closer and closer to revolution, one that WILL happen here. History shows that once we've reached this point, there is no turning back. As the Tea party will not compromise on anything, gridlock will ensue and this country will burn as "austerity" measures that are crippling Europe arrive here. Beware the false flag that sends our anger focused like a laser at Muslims. It's our leaders only hope of not turning our anger at them.

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