Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Light of Reason Being Seen

Finally, after years of banging my head against the wall of irrationality, people are starting to wake up to the dangerous situation we find ourselves in. Robert Reich recently wrote an article describing how the recent Supreme court descion freeing up corporate money as a death knell on a democratic society. His theory that this combined with Congress unable to pass a law demanding the public is informed about who funds Political ads leads us down the road to fascism. And this is from a guy who worked in the Clinton Cabinet. Paul Craig Roberts, the assistant secretary to the Treasury under Reagan has also espoused serious concerns about which way we are headed. I even saw a bead of hope from a Tea Party rally in Dayton Ohio. The ones interviewed came across as having sane ideas (although some were in ridiculous outfits, but whatever) and most importantly gave a loud clear message to any candidate getting into office, no matter what the party: Watch it! We're Pissed! As the Democrats have somehow managed to lose what should have been a slam dunk election, largely due to infighting and rank stupidity from the conservative part of the democratic party who need to be ousted if they have any hope of winning ever again. Oddly though this week it wasn't morons like Bob Nelson of Nebraska leading the stupidity brigade but Obama and his White House. With injunctions filed against ending Don't Ask, Don't Tell and Eric Holder saying to hell with the vote on Prop 19, we'll arrest you anyway, the WH has singlehandedly smacked the democrats a solid defeat in many a close race, possibly even in swing states like CA or NV. Brilliant. Polls show that other than the psycho tea party candidates, O'Donnell and Paladino, the dems have suffered double digit loses going into the election. When the Republicans win, the end begins. And now I'm not the only one who sees it. With the loss of the House and possible the Senate, nothing gets done for the next two years and band aid help is given patching the country barely together. Obama loses badly to, god I hope not, Sarah Palin. World ends soon after. If the Republicans get in and steal wantonly like they did in the past, the people are going to vote with their guns. And that may be the best news ever to help cower our electorate. Because we are pissed and armed. The two do not go well together. Look at Europe.

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