Friday, August 20, 2010


I am a big fan of Kevin Smith, especially that of the view askew universe with Jay, Silent Bob, Dante and Randall. Since wrapping up the characters from five movies, he has moved on to less successful films like Jersey Girl, Zac and Mira Make A Porno and now, Cop Out. While it is much funnier than critics or your average viewer says, it is still a far cry from his earlier work. The fact he didn't write this movie comes across loud and clear. As a matter of fact, this is yet another film in a long line of bad pictures this year done by less than competent people. Who keeps hiring these barely talented morons to write, produce or direct films? This is the final straw to a system that has become so inbred that it's actually started to mutate like you see in bad horror movies. It is only Smith's directing and the cast who I'm guessing improved a lot of it that keeps it being funny.
If you like Tracy Jordan, you'll like this movie. If you don't stay far far away. Bruce Willis and Tracy Jordan play partners, recently suspended for a bust gone wrong, in the search for an expensive baseball card Willis needs to pay for his daughters wedding. Along they way they encounter Sean William Scott's parkour criminal, Rashida Jones as Tracy's possible cheating wife and Guillermo Diaz as Po Boy, the stereotypical villain/gang leader. His part is so badly written you wonder why any self respecting actor would take such an offensive part. Michelle Trachtenberg plays Willis' daughter in a cameo with her step father played by a dickish Jason Lee. The movie is easily ten minutes too long and a sub plot with a Mexican kidnappee goes no where fast and should have been cut completely as the film drags to a halt whenever she's on screen.
The film is way better than the somehow popular Take Him To the Greek, the worst film I've seen this year in the theater. Jennifer's Body is still the worst on DVD. At least this movie has some genuine laughs and an easy going plot, even though the villain needed a lot work and probably a completely different screenwriter. It's not a great movie by any means and tanked just as hard as his last three films (Zac and Mira was a blast), but it's not bad either for rental.

2 and 1/2 stars out 5

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