Saturday, August 21, 2010


Lawrence J Peters, a Professor of education at the University of Southern California, has invented a new science called hierarchiology, or the study of hierarchies in modern society. His basic premise is that man will inevitably screw up whatever it is they are doing; that man is indeed fallible and very much so. His proof is basically just looking out at society today, especially bureaucracies. The fact that more people don't see the daily barrage of idiocy we all have to deal with day after day is astonishing. "The Peter Principle" states that "in a hierarchy, every employee rises to his or her level on incompetence. The cream rises to the top until it sours." People are routinely promoted to positions they have no hope of being able to do. Previous success does not guarantee future success. Look at George W. Bush for no further proof. With his connections, he was promoted far beyond his ability. In another life, he would been a gas station manger at the local BP. Peters writes, "nothing fails like success."
This week I have seen incompetence from every corner of the earth. Let's go with another heaping helping of runner ups, all of whom could have been doucebag of the week.

1- SHARON ANGLE- This train wreck of a politician could give Sarah Palin a run for her money on dumbest female politician on the planet. Neck and neck with Reid, which should tell you something right there, she has been forced to soften her views after it came to light that privatizing social security was something Bush couldn't get through Congress. Her extremist tea Party views are ridiculous with the usual, cut spending just not military or medicare, which won't work. By the way, we could eliminate 1000's of Pentagon jobs that are completely unneccesary such as the huge number of generals and assistant secretaries to various offices which have increased 1000% if the last decade.

2 PAN AM 103 FAMILIES AND THE MEDIA- Apparently no one freakin reads anymore as we are still hearing fake conspiracy stories about BP's involvement with accused terrorist Al-Megrahi's release from prison and even that his cancer may not be as bad as first thought. Anyone following this trial, as I have for decades now, knows the real reason he was released. It was reported in all the Scottish newspapers and in Asia. It was not reported here as the implications of this trial were explosive. The new trial was exposing all sorts of facts about the case that proved his innocense and that of a frame job and cover up by the US, British and Scottish government. This evidence is conclusive as it was twenty years ago. When it became apparent that they couldn't keep the lid on this thing anymore, a new story was concocted and a deft finger pointed at Iran as the ultimate culprit. The real terrorist was the CIA group KOREA, who blew the plane up to prevent a whistleblower from getting back to the states with damning evidence about their drug deals. Two former agents came forward saying they had planted evidence, evidence discovered was tampered with and witnesses threatened. If it was my family on that plane I wouldn't stop until the truth was out there. Lazy dumb asses.

3-AMERICAN POLITICS- The feud between the white house and Republicans has gotten to a point that even the MSM has noticed that nothing is happening, even important stuff like national security. The democrats get a big raspberry for the handling of the Mosque controversy in New York right now. Come out for religious freedom but recognize the need to not put a Muslim cultural center so close to Ground Zero. You can see the site from it's front door. Stop with the antagonizing. It's just making things worse and your prospects dimmer come November. And the Republicans have to start actually governing at this point. They vote against things even in their own interest to stick it to Obama, including a nuclear arms treaty with Russia that Senator Lugar said "hurts national security." Senator John Kyl of, where else, AZ voted against the bill thinking that inspections against Russian nukes were still continuing. They aren't. That's dangerous. And Repubs are the cause. Mozoltov.

4-WORLD POLITICS- Yes this week's winner is the world that just let Iran start up the nuke reactor. Awesome. It was with such meekness that has me particularly worried. What does Israel and the US know that I don't? Is a false flag operation in the works, perhaps a nuke attack against a major US or Israeli city? If that did happen, that nuke plant Iran just started wouldn't mean anything as nukes would be flying anyway. Russia gets a big shout out for putting money ahead of world peace but hey whatever. When we go, you're next douchbags. But as Israel gets the worst of any attack, Netanyahu gets douchebag of the week.

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