ALERT ALERT ALERT: New info has just surfaced that is red hot in intensity. In what can only be described as a suicidal move (and one I never saw coming) Russia has sided with Iran with their nuclear ambitions over loud condemnation from Israel and the West. Make no mistake about what you about to read. The chance for all out nuclear war have just tripled overnight.
Russia has approved a plan to not only help activate the Bushehr reactor on August 21st but have also installed S-300 anti missile batteries at Abkhazia on the Black Sea to deter any attack on the facility. What this means is that Israel now has only days to launch an attack on the facility less they risk a nuclear fallout from the destroyed plant. Russia had given assurances that they wouldn't let the plant become operational until next year but that fell through with most of the worthless sanctions (which never work) the UN placed on Iran earlier this year.
This lands the world in heap of trouble. In earlier posts I showed that war with Iran cannot be one without nukes. If Russia has decided to play the spoiler how will that affect out relations with them? Will they get involved in nuclear war, one that seems more imminent every day. I had thought we had until September to worry but this acceleration now has sped up the time table to less than a week.
Atlantic magazine has given the chance of war with Iran a 50/50 chance within the next 12 months. Middle East expert Jeffery Goldberg is less optimistic and says he expects a war with Iran to break out in the next few months, a fact I had also eschewed to. But this new situation is making the prediction quaint. Israel is holding emergency meetings to discuss the problem. It is highly unlikely they will allow the plant to become operational. Once it does, it will be untouchable, and a nuclear Iran is all but assured. Former UN ambassador under Bush John Bolton has said publicly that this new action will make August 21st the point of no return.
It is unlikely that Israel will let this plant stand. It is equally unlikely that Iran will take any attack sitting down and will use proxy weapons like Hezbollah and Hamas to strike worldwide targets including those within the US. As this country is unbelievably hostile right now, especially toward Muslims, ANY person of Muslim descent should be prepared to leave the US at a moments notice. This isn't a bigoted thing to say. I honestly will fear for the safety of any person that the real bigoted idiots are going to target. Think Muslim were treated badly after 9/11. Wait until suicide bombers come packing at your local mall. People will shoot first and ask questions later. The reason for the Japanese internment back in the 40's had less to due with us worries about what they would do, but the severe forms of threats against Japanese Americans that made them targets in the first place. I live with a Japanese girl and even she agrees with my logic on that point.
So thanks for nothing Russia. You are indeed douchebag of the week and just remember that if the Muslims destroy Israel and the US, you and China are next.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
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