1)The Supreme Court- Since being overridden with worthless judges from both sides of the aisle, the damage this group has done is coming to light. Now let's face facts, most of the more idiotic decisions have been made by the right wingers, but the left still championed some laws like eminent domain being used by corporations as okay, so both get some blame. The worst of the worst was the Citizen's United case which upended all elections and are now riddled with fraud and corruption due to the unlimited money they possess. And while they upheld the ACA, aka Obamacare, they did turn away the law that stated each state had to make their own exchanges. The result was in part why the system is so fucked up, but not the only reason for sure. As the court is going to be making huge decisions like lifting campaign limits on individuals, these black robed thugs may kill democracy once and for all. And we are allowing it.
2)CGI Federal- Much has been made over the fact the Michelle Obama's college roommate is on the board of this company. I didn't give it much weight at first, but the more I learn about this company, the more I wonder how in all of God's green Earth did this waste of a company get billions in no bid contracts? CGI Federal is also the conglomerate that is responsible for creating the system to pay victims of Hurricane Sandy for financial assistance. So far, a meager 1.5% of the allocated funds have reached who it was supposed to. It also attempted to build Canada's long gun registration system. However, they did such a piss poor job and went billions over, the whole project was scrapped. How come my resume is gone over with a fine tooth comb, but these assholes get a pass for every stupid thing they have done, which seems a little high at this point? No bid contract must end along with idiotic bidding rules that prevent qualified people from doing stuff that these jerks can't. CGI Federal is a waste of tax payer dollars and all contracts must be severed immediately, along with civil charges. Prove to me that corporations aren't running the show because all evidence points otherwise and if true, our government is bought and paid for. Jefferson told us what to do when that happens.
3)St. Louis Cardinals- Last night my beloved Red Sox won the World Series at Fenway for the first time since 1918. Who Hoo! The Cardinals lost AGAIN to the Sox, which has to be a bitter pill to swallow. Just ask Tom Brady how he feels about those two Super Bowl loses versus the Giants. Something tells me he would be less than happy. It didn't help that the Cardinals were trapped for seven hours at the airport due to mechanical problems. The devious part of me wonders if some enterprising Red Sox fan didn't decide to piss into the plane's engine, causing it to stall. Unlikely, but still kind of funny.
4)The NSA- I'd like to give a shout out to the faceless spy reading this blog right now and remind him what country he lives in. If the answer isn't China, North Korea or Russia, then he is in the wrong job. The NSA is spying on all of us which is probably the most worthless thing it can do. If you are looking for a needle in a haystack, the haystack can't be 100 miles high and 3000 miles long. Good luck finding the Empire State Building in all of that. And if all that money we don't have to spend is worthless, can we please just stop already. There is zero evidence that any terrorist attacks have been stopped because of this constant surveillance, which is still illegal according to the Constitution last I checked. And contrary to what Senator Mike Rogers thinks, just because I don't know I am under surveillance is not a reason to do so, as, according to him, my privacy is not being invaded because I don't know about it. Tell you what. I am going to install cameras all over your house that you don't know about and see how you feel about it when I start uploading you in a dress to Youtube.
5)The Tea Party- These retards are still at it. Ted Cruz showed huge insensitivity in grilling Trayvon Martin's mother, even if what he said was technically correct. She was on the Hill trying to get Stand Your Ground laws repealed, even though Zimmerman didn't use that defense in his trial. I actually do not have a problem with Stand Your Ground laws because if someone is going to cause you harm, you have a right to defend yourself. True, you should always to run away first, but if that is not an option, killing is perfectly acceptable. But Ted Cruz went further that, almost berating the woman for having the audacity to come to Congress to fight for a cause she believes in. She deserved more respect than what this charlatan showed her and a few took umbrage at him for it. Good. The crying from these babies is still going on, screaming about entitlements, food stamps and other programs that are not the big problem. Lack of collection of taxes on corporations and uber-rich is. And regardless of what you have heard from the right, not only can these entities pay more, they are hiding a vast majority of their wealth as well. The Tea Party wants anarchy. Stop being a part of that.
6)Republicans- Much like the Tea Party, these blowhards are still trying to blame Obama for everything, some rightfully so, most not so much. The NSA debacle is a vestige left over from the Patriot Act, which Bush started and Obama has continued, so claiming ignorance of the problem is not going to fly here. And the more people within their own party look at the plan the GOP has for the future, the more people aren't buying it anymore. Food stamp cuts that begin tomorrow on top of another low raise for SS recipients has many asking why. They see that when places like Greece and Spain have tried austerity cuts, the results have been disastrous. The Republicans' plan is exactly the same. What part of IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK are they not getting. Some in the voting block are getting it and that spells horror for 2014 if they continue to back unpopular, unworkable decisions.
7)Obama and the Democrats- Obama has had a bad few weeks. This week he looked like an incompetent boob who had no idea what was going on in his administration. He claimed not to know anything about the NSA spying on our closest allies. He claimed to have no knowledge over how bad the Healthcare.gov website was going to run. What exactly is he doing with his time then because this is inexcusable? I hate plausible deniability and this is why. If you run the show, there are things you are expected to be aware of and responsible for. A Captain takes responsibility for things that happen on his command that he should rightfully be aware of. How come our politicians never are? And the fact that Diane Feinstein claimed ignorance over the whole NSA spying on everyone revelation (thank you Ed Snowden) was such a ruse as she voted to allow the NSA that kind of power in the first place. This is why people hate government. Nothing seems to work, no one is responsible and nothing ever gets fixed.
8)The entire government- This week was a sad spectacle for all sides of government as seen above. The fact that keep telling us facts that are not facts and the lying about the whole thing is getting tiresome. They say the inflation rate is 1.5%-2% which is laughably low. The actual rate may be as high as 11%. They saw the unemployment rate is 7.2% which is off by about twenty points in the real world. They tell us the median wage is around $51,000 when in reality it is closer to $26,000. All of this by doing what I call Hollywood Math, in which a blockbuster is shown to have actually lost money thereby screwing investors out of funds owed to them in the backend deals they have. The government is doing the same. They are keeping rates for unemployment down to make things look better than they are. They are keeping the inflation rate down so they don't have to pay SS recipients they money they owe to them. The government is stealing from us, just like the corporations which are no better. As long as we continue to take this up the ass, nothing will change. If we don't stand up soon and demand better, there won't be anything left. So congratulations government you are indeed douchebag of the week.
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