The current Medicare administrator makes $170,000. The CEO's of insurance companies and hospitals make ten times that. Stephen J Helmsely, the CEO of United Health Care, made 300 times that amount. Those costs are being passed down onto the consumer, thus the reason that health care is so expensive so we can subsidize the wealth of rich people. So people are dying and/or going bankrupt in the process, so some asshole can afford a second Gulfstream plane.
It's also one of the reasons why we have the most expensive health care system on the planet, and one that doesn't work nearly as well as anywhere else. It's also a reason people are going to places like India for hip replacement surgeries which are about $70,000 less than here. Medicare also pays less for surgeries as a gall bladder operation would cost $60,000 for a private insurance company but only $2000 through Medicare. WTF?
If we are stupid enough to privatize SS or Medicare costs would soar and quality would decline. No one wants that as even the latest polls show near 90% of the public doesn't want changes to the system no matter what the fucking Teatards and Republicans keep screaming about.
When people bring up privatization and how it is awesome I ask where? Is the Post Office more expensive than UPS? No. The only reason the Post Office isn't making a profit is because the GOP forced them to pay all health care and pension funds up front, which no other company on the planet has to do. Why? To kill it and thus allowing the greedy rich to make even more money off the backs of everyday Americans, their ultimate goal.
The Teatards have also championed charter schools as a way to combat failing public schools. But the experiment has not been a success with teachers paid less, with less experiences and usually piss poor retirement and health plans. I would like to point out that here in MA we have NO charter schools, fixed our school system in ways the fucking rightwingers screamed wouldn't work and are now number 1 in the country for our grade average among students. World wide, our eighth graders now come in second just behind Japan in areas like science and math. That is how to fix a school system where privatization is not used.
Health care, not being offered to all, is making us sicker as many have to skip regular doctor visits and medication due to high costs. It is estimated that over 40,000 people die every year because of lack of health insurance.
Private companies are after everything. Nestle has made plans to privatize water supplies across the planet. Imagine a world where you have to pay for a glass of water. They want our land, where talk of selling off public parks to private entities have surfaced over the years. Paul Ryan's budget plan spelled out just that as well recently.
They want out cities as places like Detroit went bankrupt due to greed by large companies like how the Water and Sewage Department was used as collateral for a loan just to pay off the banks fighting over money.
They even want out bodies as corporation are trying to patent human genome's, a frightening possibility as the fact that corporations may soon own our very lives.
People keep saying that unions and public workers are overpaid. Actually, it's the private sector that is woefully UNDER paying our people to the detriment of society. The average salary of a union of public worker is $42,000 a year. In the private sector, it's $26,000. Which is better?
Private prisons have led to many being incarcerated who were actually innocent and were being used as slave labor for bribes to judges. This is also taking away jobs from people who would be doing things like furniture building and customer service.
Our infrastructure is collapsing as companies are failing to spend anything on what they are supposed to. Here in MA one company was given $55 million to replace all the telephone polls in their area over a three year period. So far, they are over by two years and short 90% of the telephone polls they were supposed to put in. At the rate they are going, it will 2036 before they are done.
All in all, privatization is an abject disaster. Government may not be perfect but when it comes to actually running something they do a far better job. If the government had done the stupid health care website themselves, there is no way it would be the disaster it is having a private company do it. Privatization sucks. Deal with it.
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