1)Thin skinned people- I am sick and tired of hearing how people are getting their panties in a bunch over a word. This week saw yet another person complaining his feelings were hurt by the Redskins team name. When was the last time that word was even used as a slur? I would like to point out the fact that the word paddywagon is a slur against the Irish, yet we are not throwing a fit everytime someone says it. Yes, if they were called the Washington Niggers, you might have a point, but to say Redskins is a word equal to that, they are sadly mistaken. Does anyone understand how much money it would cost to change a team name? Are the Native Americans willing to cover all costs to fix it? If not shut up and focus on things that really matter. We have become such a nation of pussies that we have schools getting rid of all sports because of the possibility someone might get injured which is the ultimate in political correctness gone wrong. The language police need to go away with them.
2)The Truckers Ride for The Constitution- Can we please stop these idiotic protests against things that don't matter? This week, thousands of truckers were supposedly going to block highways around DC to demand the impeachment of Obama because he is allegedly supplying arms to Syrian rebels. That is what they were protesting against. Not the shutdown. Not government incompetence, but some stupid right wing fantasy that has no place in the real world. In signs that humankind isn't as stupid as I sometimes believe it to be, only four trucks showed up for the protest. That's funny.
3)Dr. Ben Carson- The fact that this idiot is a neurosurgeon proves my point that no matter how educated you may be, you can still be functionally retarded. This assclown, who is black by the way and well known for making idiotic statements, actually said this week this gem:
"You know Obamacare is really I think the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery," Carson said Friday. "And it is in a way, it is slavery in a way, because it is making all of us subservient to the government, and it was never about health care. It was about control."
That's right. Dumbass actually said Obamacare is worse than slavery. I would like to take him up on that challenge. I invite Dr. Carson to come to my house for one week and live as the slaves did. I guarantee by the end of the week he will have a sharply different view over which was worse. As he also claimed once that white liberals were the most racist people on the planet, his opinion means less than nothing to us intelligent folks. Go away Ben Carson, or are you really willing to be the Uncle Tom for the Republican party? Seems he is happy being Sam Jackson's character from Django Unchained after all. I would kill for a time machine just so I could throw his black ass through it to somewhere around 1850. He would not be missed.
4)Steve Pierce(R-NM)- Proving my point that Republicans live in an alternate universe, this moron actually told people furloughed to take out a loan instead of being paid from the job they have been thrown out of due to the shutdown. Nevermind the fact that this shutdown is costing us dearly, Pierce thinks everyone can get a loan nowadays, even though banks are demanding your first born for collateral if your even lucky enough to be okayed for one. How about you donate your bloated salary first asshole? What a tool.
5)Kathleen Sebelius and Healthcare.gov- Two disaster in the making with neither working like they should. Sebelius, head of Health and Human Services, has done a pitiful job this week explaining the health care rollout. She got destroyed on the Daily Show when she couldn't answer the most simple questions like why do companies get a break but not individuals? The answer is of course, corporations run the show and people don't matter. But the crowning blow is the utter incompetence she has shown in the ill-fated Healthcare.gov website which doesn't work. She had four years and over $600 million to get everything up and running. Instead, we get some glitch filled monstrosity that is nowhere near complete. People who have seen the text of the site say some of it still contains Latin phrases which programmers use as filler for code to be written later. The idiots who designed this only made it accept around 50,000 people a day, even though demand was going to be much, much higher, at least five times what they anticipated. Facebook gets millions of hits per day and it never crashes so WTF? The reason is the government uses an antiquated way of giving government contracts that pushes out people who could have actually done this correctly, instead of someone who is just the lowest bidder. I would also like to point out that GTA 5 cost $265 million to make over the same four years, with much harder code to write, and that game is virtually glitch free. Sebelius should be fired over this.
6)John Boehner- Ignoring the fact that his party is circling the drain, Captain Crybaby is looking at the real possibility he may not be Speaker much longer. He is trying to appease everyone, ala Obama, and is working about as well. Big Business is not happy with him. The Tea Party is not happy with him. The American people are not happy with him. That's a lot of pissed off people there dude. He has repeatedly lied that he didn't have the votes in the House for a clean spending bill when everyone knows there is, and as a result, the US public is blaming him and his co-horts squarely for this debacle. 2014 may be a huge defeat for the GOP as Tea Party individuals are going to get the lion's share of the blame, but blowback upon the entire party is also going to occur. We need to get rid of the Republicans in the House to give back control to the Democrats and give them enough rope to hang themselves with it. The good news is the Boehner will be swinging from the bottom of it first.
7)Michelle Bachmann- She has said that we are living in the End Times now because of Obamacare. Funny, I missed that part of Revelation where a black president giving health care to all was one of the signs of the Apocalypse. Must be in a later edition.
8)Janet Yellin- This will be out new Fed Chief which should give some of us pause as her background suggests ideas that are beyond stupid. My favorite was she once pressed the notion of negative interest rates for banks so that if you say had $100,000 in the bank, by the end of the year you would have $95,000 instead. What sane person is going to put money in a bank and be charged for it? Mattresses will be the new bank account for money of that ever gets put into place. Yet another idiot in a long line of them.
9)Ted Cruz and the Tea Party- RIP Tea Party, you will not be missed. I case you have lived under a rock this past week, the public and, more importantly, Big Business have united in the fact the the Tea Party is killing this country. Banks and CEO's are PISSED that these micro-brains have shut down the government in some ill fated attempt to end Obamacare for the zillionth time. As their portfolios are falling badly, they have been very vocal that come 2014, their money will be going to anyone who is NOT a part of the Tea Party. You know what a party with no money is called? The Whigs, The Bull Moose and Federalists parties of years past. Ted Cruz has singlehandly done the most damage as he is still demanding the defunding of Obamacare regardless of whether it is practical or not (it isn't). As he seems willing to take the country over the cliff this week, he was heckled mercilessly at a recent appearance by people pissed at him. At least he was polite to the those that screamed at him, unfortunately avoiding a Weiner-like meltdown that helped destroy his career. Ted Cruz has done more damage to the Tea Party than anyone else, and when that includes people like Michelle Bachmann and Steve King, that's saying something. So congratulations Ted Cruz, you are indeed douchebag of the week.
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