The ACA is law. It passed both sets of Congress, was signed into law by the President and upheld by the Supreme Court. There is nothing left that can be done except by throwing a snit fit and breaking the country in the process. The Dow is up, but trading volume is exceptionally low, meaning everyone is in a holding pattern right now and the only trades being made are the high speed computer ones. Expect that to change drastically if the Republicans don't change their terrorist attitudes.
I find it funny that the party that holds the Constitution to such high standards is also willing to piss on it when it fits their fancy. Take about douchebaggery extreme and hypocrisy to the highest levels. When are people going to get it through their thick skulls that these guys are going to make this country what it once was: an arctic region covered in ice. Oh that's right they don't believe in global warming or evolution which explains a lot.
Much like Social Security and pensions, the GOP have done everything they can to sabotage the system, and then claim after they broke it, that the program doesn't work and should be scrapped. Talk about self fulfilling prophecy. SS isn't broke. Our money has been stolen by the government on both sides and they owe us it back one way or another. Same goes for our pension plan that local government haven't been funding sufficiently, mainly because corporations have been siphoning money from the coffers into their own pockets. When I get a chance I have a whole article I want to write about that theft that is shocking in it's audacity.
Rich people are stealing from you and anyone who is voting for the Republican party is allowing it. I am not saying that Democrats don't share some of the blame, because they do, but most of the stones need to be thrown at the right wingers that are killing this country.
Don't believe me? Let's look at California. Ten years ago, it was a disaster, run by Republicans with high taxes on everyone, high unemployment and a huge budget deficit. Now, with Democratic control over the whole state, the state now has a huge surplus of cash, a change in taxes from hitting the poor to going after rich people and corporations, and unemployment that is dropping faster than many other states. They did this by raising taxes and cutting budget cuts in programs that were filled with waste. In other words, by doing just about everything the Republicans said would be a fatal blow to the economy, instead created one of the fastest growing economies in the country. Shocker. This is why facts matter and listening to the bullshit coming from the right is pathetic at best and, anyone believing this crap has the common sense of OJ Simpson, Michelle Bachmann and Rudolph Hess combined. STOP VOTING FOR REPUBLICANS ALREADY!
If we got rid of these morons, we might actually get something accomplished. I love how the right is already calling the ACA a failure, even though it hasn't been implemented. Are they psychic and if they are could one of you tell me the score of next week's Patriots game because I would love to put a lot of money on it knowing how it will turn out? The sad fact is they do not possess ESP and are grandstanding on facts that are completely made up, just like their polls, which they are still using to trick a gullible public. If you ever see a poll from Rasmussen or Fox News, take it with a grain a salt because they are demonstrably awful and inaccurate, as history continuously proves. Remember all those right wing polls that said Romney would win handily? How did that race turn out? That's right, Obama won big. And stop telling me, right wingers, that the American people voted to keep the House in GOP hands because only through gerrymandering did they win. They actually lost by 1.4 million votes nationwide.
The GOP is every bit as insane as every mass shooter we've seen these past few years. The only difference is that these assholes are trying to kill millions, rather than the few dozen who have died by being shot. Remember that next time you go to the voting booth. End the Republican party's stranglehold on this country and let's see what we can do, like California. What do you have to lose?
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