How did we get to such a place where no one and nothing is working anymore? If ever there was a better parable than to the fall of the Roman Empire look no further than the sad state of affairs we have gotten ourselves into. Politicians almost universally are against us (although both Bernie Saunders and Liz Warren are NOT in that group), yet we keep voting for many of these morons. There will be no better test than the upcoming elections in 2014 that look pretty bad for Republicans who now rate somewhere between the clap and Kim Jung Un. This is from Huffington Post:
A majority of Americans think it is bad for the country that Republicans control the House of Representatives, and even more want House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) to be replaced by another Republican, according to a CNN/ORC International poll released Monday.
Fifty-four percent think it's bad that Republicans control the House, the poll found. That's up from 43 percent in December 2012, during the last fiscal standoff. The figure is the first time a majority thought Republican control was bad for the country since CNN started asking in December 2010. Sixty-three percent of respondents want Boehner replaced, but by another Republican, which would not change GOP control of the House.
The poll is yet another sign that the government shutdown has hurt the Republican party. An NBC/WSJ poll taken during the shutdown showed that 24 percent of people approved of the party, a record low. Gallup measured another record low for the GOP, with 28 percent approving. A poll released Sunday funded by and conducted by the Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling showed that incumbent Republicans trailed generic Democrats in 15 of 25 competitive House districts.
Now some will claim left wing bias, which is true with and PPP. However, their statistics held up fairly well in the last election which is more than I can say for Rasmussen and Fox News Polls which went horribly awry. Gallop, on the other hand, is using a model for their statistical analysis that bends the data to the right and they still say the Republicans are struggling. For future reference, any poll that is using landlines only will reach a mostly older, white population that is more likely to be more conservative than not. And if the number polled is below 1000, it's not a very good study as the pool being used is too shallow to be of any real worth. A lot of polls being used today are not scientific at all and are being parroted around by right wing politicians who are using severely bent data and tricking a gullible public into believing it is true. Fox News is the master of this, which would have been illegal had media rules not been changed by both Reagan and W. which led to this whole mess in the first place.
I can only hope that the American people are not stupid enough to fall for more Republican shenanigans. They are certainly damaged, almost exclusively by their own hand, which I find very, very funny. Note to Congressional rightwingers: don't run with scissors. You guys can't handle that level of sophistication. I hope Boehner gets voted out of office in the next election because anyone still voting for this loser is dumber than he is. And I am sure some of these voter dicks have jobs that matter, meaning lives depend on these idiots and how well do you think that is going to work out? If you can't see the logic in getting rid of someone out of Congress who doesn't give a rat's ass about you, how good can you really be at whatever you do? I am thinking a lot of police, religious wingnuts and the mentally ill are at the center of this party. Who else is this dumb?
But let us not rule out the rank incompetence of the Obama administration and, more accurately, the disaster known as Kathleen Sebelius. What does one have to do in the highest levels of government to get fired anymore? Four planes attack the US in a huge terrorist strike, people die. People fired? Zero. Fast and Furious goes bad, people die. People fired? Zero. Now we have a health care web site apparently written by retarded monkeys and again, no one has been fired. WTF? There is no reason this site should have not been up and running perfectly in the time they had. Now mind you, the GOP does get some of the blame in this as the overwrought hand wringing over the "horrors" of Obamacare, for the most part, don't exist. And that which is going wrong and could be fixed is held back by an obstructionist party willing to sink this country for their own ends.
But, not all the blame goes to either party, but to CGI Federal which should be being sued back to the stone age for not having this thing up and running. If you have a deadline, especially one that cannot be missed, then you have to meet it. You can't just throw up your hands and say "Oh well, not my fault." But it is your fault because, if you had to, you could have simply hired more people to have the problem fixed in said amount of time. Yes, you would made less money. Boo Hoo. It may even have cost you money. Still don't care. You were hired to do a job for x amount of money and that's it. If cost go over, it's on you douchebags. So for whatever reason it didn't work, ultimately, it's CGI Federal's fault. And the government should be seeking every damn dollar back, plus damages from this company and if it bankrupts them, too bad. Seize their assets and sell them off for payment which is exactly what you would do to any individual out there who has done the same thing, such as lack of payment on a mortgage. The government doesn't say "Pay us when you can." They say "We'll take your house now." CGI Federal should be taken the same.
By the way, once again, corporations have proven to be even worse than the government, again. So, for all you douchebags out their bitching about how the government cannot run anything effectively, I give you CGI federal as a prime example of which was worse with corporations winning this race handily. Corporations are terrible business models lately and are not something to be copied unless you really want the country to slide into the sea.
And lastly we have the American people who I feel are becoming dumber by the second, regardless of party affiliation. Some enterprising people are taken to the streets to show that people will sign petitions for anything, and I do mean anything. The latest was a signup for support for a "Orwellian Nazi Police State," which many happily signed for. Really? Penn and Teller once showed that people would sign for anything such as banning water, making climate change illegal and other bat shit insane ideas. Now many link this to Obama supporters only which is not the case. Most Americans are dumber than dirt, no matter where you live. If you are reading this, you are probably one of the few not completely retarded and thank God for those of you out there. Unfortunately, we are few and far between and our numbers are dwindling. The rise of the Tea Party demonstrates that.
As long as we continue down this path, nothing will change. If we keep putting in politicians who care more about corporations and their career than with getting things done, there is little hope for any of us. 2014 will be a huge test for this country. We need to give the democrats all the rope they need to hang themselves with. If they succeed, we all win. If they fail, which would not surprise me in the least, then we know the system is truly broken and we better find a way to fix it that doesn't require a lot of blood and death.
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