The case I am talking about is McCutcheon Vs the US where an Alabama businessman is challenging the law about limits on individuals giving money to political candidates. Right now it stands at $2500 to no more than 17 separate candidates in any given year. McCutcheon wants both the limits on amounts and individuals removed so he can give as much as he wants to whoever he wants. If the Supreme Court rules in his favor, democracy is dead as corporations will buy and pay for every candidate they wish and the average citizen's vote won't matter.
If Brand X owns candidate Y, what are the chances that said elected official is going to do anything that the corporation doesn't want? None. If he wants to keep his job, he'll have to toe the line and you can start saying goodbye to everything from Social Security, to affordable health insurance, to the forty day work week, to anything else they can get their greedy little hands on. The transformation to fascist state will be complete, something the Republican party has been trying to do since their failed coup against FDR blew up in their face.
The worst part about this is that the Supreme Court may very rule in the plan tiffs favor. The liberals on the court are against it, as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg suggested the limits promote "democratic participation," adding, "The little people will count some, and you won't have the super-affluent as the speakers that will control the elections." Speaking for the conservatives, Justice Samuel Alito coolly dismissed any notion the caps are needed to prevent corruption and actually infringe on free speech: "What I see are wild hypotheticals that are not obviously plausible." Scary.
Now mind you, this final decision is months away but should conservatives rule in favor if striking down the law put there because of Watergate, vote all you want it won't make any difference as your new corporate overlords are going to make everyone's life a living hell, which seems to be exactly what the Tea Party wants.
Listening to these shrill shills talk make me think of an old Thai woman screaming through a screechy megaphone. I want to rip my ears off to make it stop. I keep hearing the same nonsense from the GOP that Obamacare is unconstitutional. No it isn't. The Supreme Court ruled it constitutional and no matter how much you might not like it, it is the law of the land unless Congress says differently. Considering they can't agree on a lunch order, this would be a tall task indeed. I know how they feel because if the Supreme Court does rule that unlimited funds are constitutional, then it is, no matter my personal feelings. We shouldn't be holding the country hostage no matter how much I disagree with the outcome. There are other ways to fight back and this is none of them.
The GOP and Obama are getting the brunt of things which doesn't really matter to Obama as he can't be re-elected anyway. The Democrats in Congress are being blamed the least which is gold, Jerry, gold in their eyes. Polls are showing a growing intolerance toward the Tea Party, and vice versa. One poll said only 15% of Tea Party supporters want any negotiations with Obama. Around the same amount think the debt ceiling not being raised will be no big deal. They will think differently when on Oct. 18th, the stock market plunges a few thousand points. Or when they look at the APR rate on their cars, house or credit cards and watch them double or even triple overnight. And they will have no one but themselves to blame. If the debt ceiling is not raised, it will be the equivalent at being struck by an asteroid several miles wide. In other words, a planet killer.
The Tea Party are anarchists that want NO government, except that which they deem necessary like preventing gay people from marriage or abortions to ever happen. They ultimately want a fascist state to dictate rules, but only the ones they support. But in the long run, it will be every man for himself where a poverty class struggles as the rich live in extreme opulence. Revolution will be near impossible as our every move will be monitored by the NSA, drones will take out anyone they wish, and dissent will be crushed Syria style. That is where we are headed and some of you are actually fighting for it.
Time is running out. Be prepared for everything to end if this plays out with the GOP driving us over the edge. If it does, I have a feeling many in this country are going to get very very violent with that part of society. Civil war 2 here we come. Swell.
Obama illeagly using the IRS to silence conservatives just like Hitler used his SS goons to silence his opponents