Ted Cruz is a good example of someone who, even though his re-election isn't until 2016, may not recover even after all that time, an eternity in political terms. His approval rating among Tea Party members is 52%. Among Republicans 4%. And numbers don't go low enough into negative territory to estimate how independents and democrats feel about this retard. His idiocy has sent this country into a tailspin that may still have dangerous reprecussions. Considering that there is no way his special brand of stupidity won't rear its ugly head again, he is going to be a Godsend for anyone running against the GOP for years to come.
Now it is true that the election is a year away, and lots can change in that time. But the Tea Party has proven time and time again that they are not ready for the Big Show and will continue to shoot their mouth off when silence would benefit them better. Had the House not thrown a temper tantrum this week and made everyone glare at them with white hot hate, the glitches that have plagued the Obamacare websites could have made them heroes and might have actually gotten concessions from the White House with public backing. But instead they overplayed their hand and it gotten bitten off in the process. It was a fatal blunder. The Tea Party is being seen as a bunch of whinny cry babies determined to have anarchy. This will hurt come November as Democrats are going to remind voters incessantly who voted for the shutdown and the harm it did to everyday people. This will resonate still and send many Republicans packing.
They could still do incredible damage if somehow, someway, the new Senate proposal gets shot down by the House and then it's game over America. At that point, elections will be the least of their problems as angry mobs stalk them down the streets when the world goes to hell in a handbasket. People are beyond angry and anyone dumb enough to provoke the wrath of the American people right now will be ripped limb from limb if things go south quick. We are all standing in gasoline and who ever is dumb enough to smoke is going to get killed.
Unfortunately, the Tea Party is that stupid. When Sarah Palin is your spokesperson, you know you've scrapped the bottom of the barrel. Some Fox News talking head took offense to someone at a rally using the word I like, Teatard. I know name calling is childish and uncalled for, but I really HATE the Tea Party and feel this is an accurate statement for a group too dumb to even know what their own Bible says and doesn't say. These idiots need to be called out for wanting to do the DUMBEST things, proving themselves puppets of the rich as many of things they are calling for will directly affect them as well. If Social Security and Medicare disappear, which is what the Tea Party wants, how will they survive in the old age? Most of these yokels are far from wealthy considering the wave of flannel and denim I saw at a recent rally, so how do they plan on surviving into their seventies? They won't and will die badly along with the rest of us for the stupid nonsense they are promoting. How come all the ways the fix things like lifting the cap on Social Security is never mentioned? Or having corporations pay something, anything, in taxes? But no, like the sheep they are, they want to hammer grandma and the poor and, ultimately, themselves. Morons.
If you belong to the Tea Party, stop and think what you are doing. The other day, I got into a debate about the budget crisis with a right winger and he demanded I show him any article in which the GOP threatened to filibuster the budgets since 2009 (a favorite talking point that the democratic Senate or Obama hasn't passed a budget in "1000" days). I found twelve right off the bat. This is the problem. If you believe something without even having the wherewithal to see if your are right, this is the ultimate in sucker mentality. And Republicans fall for it all the time. Fox news and Rush Limbaugh says something and everyone parrots it. Unless I trust the source implicitly, I fact check everything. Lots of what you read is wrong, on both sides of the aisle. Not here mind you making me one of the most trusted sites on the web. Tell your friends.
The government, democrat or Republican, is lying to you. The media is almost always lying to you. And many of you out there are buying it. Stop it. The reason why the Tea Party is in such free fall is that some of you out there have stopped to see what is real and what isn't and have found the Mad Hatter would fit right in with them. The fact that the entire group seems made up of white people, and not helped by some yokel bringing a confederate flag to a DC Tea Party rally, makes them seem even more racist than they probably are. They keep screaming about socialism with no understanding of what the term means, probably egged on by such luminaries as Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. The brain power between them couldn't light a lightbulb, yet millions still hang on their every word. Sad. SS and Medicare are more socialistic than Obamacare (which is barely socialist at all) yet the right keeps screaming about the ACA more than the other two. There are way too many stupid people right now in this country.
The Tea Party is RIP at this point. Big money is not going to support them in the next round of elections with even the Koch brothers voicing their dissatisfaction at the party. This does not mean democrats will get that money, but I have feeling less extreme Republicans (at least at face value anyway) will be making a play for the nomination is several states where the current Congressperson is doomed due to this budget crisis. Money is power and the Tea Party is watching theirs ebb away. Too bad and so sad. The Tea Party cannot go away soon enough and the fact that they did it to themselves makes this victory even more sweet. Regardless of what they do today, their power is over. Let's hope the Democrats can actually do something with it and not screw up even worse in the next year.
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