1)Kanye West- Channeling the Republican party, Kanye's attitude has been so poor that even black people are starting to wane on his popularity. One guy I saw on video said he wished Kanye wasn't black like him because it was embarrassing to his race. That's funny. His music is terrible, like Justin Bieber bad, and as his record sales are doing poorly, his days may be numbered. He certainly didn't do himself any favors by getting into a feud with Jimmy Kimmel when the talk show host called him a whinny baby (just like John Boehner is being portrayed lately by the way), the rapper responded with a barrage of verbal assault tweets that made him sound exactly like a whinny baby. Here's some of them:
Yeah, real mature loser. Here's hoping his fifteen minutes are just about up.
2)The Biker Gang from NYC- This week, video surfaced of a group of thugs deliberately running into a SUV in NYC while a frightened family cowered inside. Once they started slashing his tires, he plowed forward, running over one of them. He is in a coma and may never walk again. Good. Turns out, he didn't even have a valid licence. The thugs followed the couple until they stopped the car, dragged the driver out of the car and beat him. Here's the worst part, at least five off duty police officers were in the gang of bikers and did nothing. Every single one of them should be fired, if not prosecuted. The DA has decided not to prosecute some of the thugs, and one he had to be publicly shamed into filing charges after public outcry demanded it. What a dick. Anyone on the video not trying to stop the chaos, pursuing the vehicle, or attacking the car or driver in any way should lose their licence forever at the very least and the rest should go to jail. Media whore Gloria Allred is defending the coma victim and may sue for damages. Good luck with that trial because there is no way I am finding the driver guilty of anything. Find a real case you ambulance chaser. The are no winners here, except maybe the poor family that got swarmed Mad Max style, which the bikers were lucky he didn't have a gun, because there would have been dead bikers everywhere otherwise.
3)Armchair Detectives with Zero Understanding of How the World Works- This week, a deranged woman tried to ram the White House gates, fled with her one year old daughter, and was ultimately shot to death by Secret Service and DC police. Her family has questioned why she needed to die and instead have her tires shot out. It's not like the cops knew who was in the car, which could have been filled with explosives. Secret Service people do not play around. They always assume everything is an existential threat and act accordingly. There is no "shoot to wound," in a situation like this. I am sorry she is dead, but perhaps her family should have watching her more carefully if she was acting like a raving loon. We also had family members from the NYC biker gang wondering why the SUV driver isn't being prosecuted for running them over and stating that their husbands, sons, etc. are good boys. The video suggest differently as does the fact that the police received over 200 complaints that day about that specific group of bikers. They are assholes. Deal with it. One of them got what he deserved.
4)Conspiracy Theorists- Why does every thing have to be a conspiracy to some people? Alex Jones and What Really Happened, while good sites, have a tendency to fly wildly off the rails when some terrorist attack happens or some loon goes on a shooting spree. The Mali attack by Somali terrorists happened just as they said it did. Stop looking into hidden meanings where there are none. And now, we hear that this latest loon attack was a false flag to do something that I couldn't attempt to understand without a flowchart and a fuck load of drugs. Mariam Carey was a dangerous psycho who almost got her daughter killed. Do you really think her entire family are plants? Please. Get out of your Mom's basement once a while and read a freaking book losers.
5)Justin Bieber- I hate Justin Bieber. His music is beyond crap and his attitude is in full on Lindsay Lohan mode lately. His latest misadventure was the fact that cameras caught the pint size lesbian being carted up the steps on the Great Wall of China as if he were a Chinese Emperor. My Mom is in her sixties and has bad knees and she walked up those same steps no problem. What a pussy. He is going to have one big fall when his fans outgrow him.
6)Gov Tim Corbett- The current Governor of PA has a tendency to put both feet in his mouth while attempting to drink a beer and hopscotching about. His latest idiotic statement was this one about gay marriage: "It was an inappropriate analogy, you know,” Corbett said. “I think a much better analogy would have been brother and sister, don’t you?" So, according to Corbett, gay people are just like a brother sister getting married. Hardly douche. Yet another beyond stupid statement from the bigoted Republican party. It's no wonder Corbett's approval rating has dipped below 20% lately and has zero chance of re-election next year. Rick Scott of Florida is another whose re-election is iffy at best.
7)Michelle Bachmann- This waste of space said she was thrilled the government shut down and couldn't be happier. Well bitch, pucker up, because it's words like that that are killing the GOP and driving their numbers down. She had the gaul to blame Obama for shutting down the parks and memorials when it is her stupid Tea Party crap that has gotten us into this mess in the first place. Thank God she is gone next year, only to almost certainly appear on Fox News as some of commentator. God help us.
8)Mike Lee- Ted Cruz's equally stupid counterpart in Tea Party leaders got caught lying to people and then lying more as if that was going to help. News Station KUTV of Utah was interviewing him when he was asked about his pay during the shutdown. He responded with, "I'm working. I'm getting paid." Public outcry forced his campaign manager to say that it never happened and the news station was lying. KUTV responded with the release of the audio and transcript which proves who was telling the truth, and surprise, surprise, it wasn't Mike Lee. He then when on to say he will donate his salary to charity instead, which I do not believe for one second. This man is one of the people destroying the country and he has proven to be quite the liar. You do the math.
9)The Tea Party- These assholes are killing this country and now are paying the price for the rampant stupidity. Recent polls suggest that the country is turning on them like a pack of rabid wolves and now democrats are leading in at least 19, formerly safe, red area districts. That is telling. If this continues, the Tea Party is going to lose all the power they have wielded with the accuracy of a blind, drunk elephant. Tea Party favorite Mike Coffman of CO is currently in free fall and faces a progressive challenger in 2014. If the House loses 17 seats to the democrats, they lose control of it. Here's hoping.
10)John Boehner- This drunken bastard has NO balls and could be the worst Speaker of the House ever. When Nancy Pelosi looks like a Godsend, you know you've crossed the Rubicon of bad decision making. Mr. Oompa Loompa said he will not give in to Obama's demands for a clean spending bill and is willing to let the country default on it's loans in response. How is this not the same as Russia demanding we give up our nukes or else they will unleash cyber attacks upon us? There isn't. It's acting like a terrorist group instead of a functioning government. They should be very wary as country's like Egypt and Greece have dissolved political parties like the Muslim Brotherhood and Golden Dawn for extremist views. How long before that happens here? John Boehner is a nutless dick who is cowtowing to a minority group that may not be in power much longer anyway. Polls suggest that a majority of Americans are blaming the GOP for all of this, including a recent Fox Poll that said 57% of the people have an unfavorable view of Republicans. Considering the source, in real math, this means that it is probably close to 100%. Voters are getting tired of the whining by the Tea Party when we have real problems to face and they are standing in the way of all of it. Boehner's job is also in real jeopardy as his own polls show him falling fast. So congratulations John Boehner you are indeed douchebag of the week.
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