The House has not been punished since they took control of the House in 1994, under Newt Gingrich, and since then have run this country into the ground. The fact that during the last shutdown in 1995, the Republicans still held control of the House a year later, is a stunning reminder of how stupid the electing public is and was even back then. However, this is not 1996 anymore. Demographics have changed as solid red states like Oregon, New Mexico and Maine have turned blue and even Texas and Florida are starting to see major shifts due to the growing Hispanic populations that are not voting for the right in mass numbers at all.
Also, while the Internet can be a fountain of misinformation, it is also a Godsend for those of us smart enough to use it properly. You know minus the porn and cat videos, there is some good stuff out there, like this site for example. And people are watching the Republicans shoot themselves over and over and blaming the democrats the whole time. The slower of the American people are buying into this crap, but the rest of us see through this demagoguery for what it is: a blatant power grab by the minority that is destroying the bedrock of our Republic, which we technically lost back in 1913 with the direct election of Senators. At no time during any negotiation over the debt ceiling did one side or the other throw a temper tantrum or ask for completely unreasonable demands that they knew would never be accepted. It's one thing to ask for more money for Head Start or cutting funding for a project that is not working, like the dollar killing F-35 disaster, in order to raise the debt ceiling. It's an entirely other matter when you ask for the dismemberment of a key piece of legislation that other side has passed into law. That has NEVER happened no matter how many times the other side says it has. Show me where and when. You can't because it never happened like most of the right's arguments.
That's not to say the left isn't doing a bang up job peddling their nonsense as well. The fact the websites were overwhelmed is a shocking bit of ineptitude. SNL had the best line this past weekend when they said "Obama not being ready for millions of people to sign up for health insurance, when millions of people DON'T have health insurance, is like 1-800 Flowers being unprepared for Valentine's Day." This should have been better tested before roll out and as they had four freaking years to get ready, that seems a little inexcusable. It also didn't help when Kathleen Sebelius, on the Daily Show last night, failed to defend the administration's lack of waivers for individuals while corporations get them and then went on to blatantly lie that part time work is declining, which it isn't. What she should have said is yes, part time work is exploding and businesses are using Obamacare as the scapegoat for it. In 2008-2009, part time work skyrocketed. Now what happened in that same time period that would have caused that? Oh that's right, the GOP drove the country into a ditch and everyone but the rich paid the price for it. Obamacare is not causing part time work to explode. Big business has been cutting hours for more than a decade now and have seen an opportunity to expand it and blame someone else for it. Make not mistake about it, the reason part time work is rising is because corporations make more profit by doing so. A lot more.
The good news is that the Republicans are taking it on the chin this time and current polls show some formally safe districts possibly up for grabs. If democrats don't screw it up like the always do, they could gain control of the House for the first time in two decades. Steve King, a true idiot and Teatard, is now losing by four points to a democratic challenger. 70% of this country blames the GOP for the shutdown. Safe districts for the House are disappearing and, as the stock market is beginning it's inevitable slide, has even rich people starting to frown at the right.
As this continues, stocks are going to fall further and further. When the GOP failed to okay $700 billion dollars for TARP, the stock market fell almost 700 points in a day which changed their attitude stat. If a deal isn't made by Friday, expect a huge sell off next week. If we go over the cliff, which may very well end the world, stocks will go into free fall. This is what the right is fighting for, an end to all civilization if they don't get their way. How many morons out there think this is a wise strategy and will continue to vote Republican, thereby killing themselves and their families at the ballot boxes? I've rarely seen people choose their own destruction but some of us are. Stop voting for the right, get more progressive people in there like Elizabeth Warren, Jim McGovern and Bernie Saunders, and let's see if we can get something done for once. This obstruction by the right has to end and the best way to do that is to show them the door in 2014, assuming we make it to then. The world may end next week (still highly unlikely as Obama could use an executive order to fund the government, but that would open another huge can of worms), so act accordingly. If the planet does go into hell in handbasket, Republicans facing the wrath of the American people may become much more violent and personal. They are certainly circling the drain right now. Good.
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