Thursday, November 14, 2013


People who know me often call me for advice on certain topics, particularly ones that involve legal or health insurance related question as I have a great deal of knowledge about both. Today, three such individuals called me today, all PISSED at Obama at what was going on with their health care. None of them are hard core Republicans or Democrats even, but average Joes who are now looking at Obama with sheer hatred. The vitriol from some of them, while understandable, may be the one thing to propel Republicans back into office, and then, the end of everything as their policies will by beyond dreadful. And unfortunately, the more Obama speaks, the faster he is digging his own grave.

Obama made the biggest political blunder of his career and this one is so bad he may sink the entire Democratic party with it. When he utterly failed to blame someone, ANYONE, for the unforgivable disaster that is, the public blamed him. To make matters worse, using plausible deniability for this has made him look more of out of touch than his predecessor, W. I have NEVER seen a president fumble so badly that he is starting to make Gerald Ford look dexterous. Who is advising him on this, Sarah Palin?

It may not matter at this point if the thing is up and running by the end of the month, as the political damage may be fatal next year. If it doesn't work by the end of the month, do not be surprised to see impeachment start to be touted about when our entire health care system unravels due to Obama's inability to fix anything at this point. If there was ever a time to actually get mad Mr. President, here's a novel idea, fire somebody.

According to one source, Health and Human Services was ultimately responsible for the spec's of the site, meaning that their late additions to the website, and idiotic decisions like making people sign up before price shopping, came from Kathleen Sebelius and her underlings. Guess who should be thrown to the wolves first? Then go after CGI Federal for not having anything done on time by suing them back to the stone age and cancelling all contracts with them, now and forever. But instead, Mr. President, you've calmly sat back and let everyone laser focus on you as the idiot in charge which is damaging everyone around you. How can you not see this? You can't be this stupid.

Democrats are panicking behind closed doors as recent polls show all the gains made after the moronic Tea Party shutdown have been erased, and the longer this goes on, the worse those polls are going to be. Some politicians stuck their necks out for this health care plan and they will pay for it in 2014 if something isn't done soon to fix everything. The House will stay red and the Senate will probably be lost as well. Nothing will get done at that point unless the GOP takes over a huge majority, which at this point is not so out of the question. While I doubt the Tea Party will have much in the way of gains, the Republican establishment may crush it instead and they are not much better.

So as long as Obama refuses to acknowledge that the website is a failure, his numbers will continue to plummet and will take the Senate right along with him. Man up and act like the fucking president already. The other options are much less palatable to everyone.

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