Saturday, January 29, 2011


I am sure most of you are wondering just who in the hell is Alan Stanford. Thanks to our lovely MSM you should know and be PISSED about what is going with him. Instead we're treated to 24 hour coverage of Charlie Sheen's drug binge, hospitalization and rehab. WHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. There was a LOT that happened this week. Let's look at the runner ups.

1)Hosni Mubarak- Egypt has said ENOUGH to their dictator in chief (sound familiar) and have spent the last week rioting in the streets. The army has refused to crack down on the protesters leading to widespread problems that have now gone on to places like Yemen, Gabon, Algeria, Gaza, Jordan and Tunisia. A world wide riot is now occurring with governments falling fast in places like Ireland and Lebanon and possibly Italy any day now with their PM in deep water for an orgy with underage girls. How soon before the weak American people wake up and realize we are all in the same boat? We need a change in our government too as the police state dictatorship we have foisted on ourselves is going too far. Remember V for Vendetta: "The people shouldn't be afraid of our government, government should be afraid of the people." In Egypt that is doubly true right now.

2)The Bank Ball outs- It was known this week, publicly during a Senate hearing that again got NO PRESS, that Goldman Sach's stole our money to fill their own coffers. When AIG went bankrupt, Sachs funneled ball out money at 100 cents on the dollar through AIG into their own accounts. Mind you I wrote about this almost a year ago and only now is it coming out with not one MSM writing about it in print or TV. How much longer are you out there going to claim what a free country we are when our press is no better than North Korea?

3)MSM- Why anybody listens to the press at all at this point is beyond me. Readers of this blog will get a better sense of what is really going on than just about anywhere. Ignore the press. They are not news sources but propaganda.

4)TSA- Filled with massive lawsuits by heavy hitters like Bob Barr and Jesse Ventura, The TSA responded this week by ending the possibility of other agents instead of TSA at checkpoints, Dozens of airports wanted to opt out of the TSA system have been told by bitch Napalitano and asshole Pistole that that wasn't possible anymore. If the revolution starts, I hope these two f$%^ers are the first to go.

5)Alan Stanford- Who's this you ask? He was a "poor man's" Bernie Madoff who only stole 7 billion dollars from investors. In jail for the past few years, his trial has been postponed indefinitely as he is addicted to anti-anxiety medicine. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? If that was a real defense every drug addict on the planet should be able to postpone their trials too and they have a real addiction like crack or heroin. Yet another billionaire, joining the guy who committed a hit a run and wasn't prosecuted because "he made too much money," or the billionaire child molester who got away with a slap on the wrist. Our Justice system is crap. The rich get away with everything and we pay the price. So blow me Alan Stanford you are indeed Douchebag of the week.

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