According to the FBI, the perpetrator of this "fraud" were individuals such as Yohannes Riyadi and Wilfredo Saurin, who may or may not be the same person. If Riyadi is a fraud, why does the Bank of Indonesia recognize him as a legitimate person as seen in the document below:
If he does exist, as the above form would suggest, why can no trace of him be found anywhere. A man this rich would be written about, blogged and basically be an open book. Yet, no biography exists, no Wikipedia page, nothing, which would suggest he does not really exist.
Or could he be one of those secret trillionaires I have written about? If someone had limitless wealth, they could effectively cease to be in a paper trail sense. They could have complete control over their very existence and remain off book so to speak. It also makes little sense that this person is connected with the FBI on the scam alert, yet $15 trillion dollars came from SOMEWHERE and no one seems concerned. This leads any logical person to believe that there is something to this beyond a financial scam gone wrong.
Yohannes Riyadi is supposedly the richest man in the world and descended from the emperors of the Indo-China dynasties. Funny how no record of this exists anywhere except from Lord James of Blackheath when he exposed this crime to the House of Commons in February. Others point to the fact that the name Yohannes Riyadi is listed on the NY FED website in connection with other bonds scams. However, an original copy of the document has been unveiled with the signature of Ben Bernanke. An alternative explanation involves the Bush family and monies earned through years of currency trading aimed at collapsing the Soviet Union.
The money was allegedly going to be used to support the dollar, a reasonable explanation. The money started at the Federal Reserve of New York, then to JP Morgan, HSBC and finally to the RBS. Lord Blackheath said he received an official document from Riyadi, dated 2006, which states the US government set up a meeting between him and the Fed of New York to discuss this plan. The meeting was supposedly attended by Alan Greenspan and Tim Geithner. The original documents of this, as given by Lord James, are in the link above.
This entire scam may be nothing more than a fancy way of money laundering with the sole purpose to keep the dollar from collapsing due to massive fraud by a collusion of the US government and the Big Banks. If they have been counterfeiting trillions of dollars for some time, this might explain why both regulators and the banks have been reluctant to open the books for financial scrutiny.
Does Riyadi exist? I have no idea but it seems to be that he does as the other question is why would banks accept such an astronomical sum from a known scammer and the fact that the existence of the $15 trillion have never been discredited. If he does exist, how come no one knows anything about him? Why does no profile exist ANYWHERE? Look up Richard Branson or Bill Gates or any other super rich individual and there is no shortage of information. Riyadi is a ghost.
Other problems exist with this story as the Fed of New York was never authorized to hold or transfer that huge sum as indicated, yet the documents that have been authenticated as legitimate show that it did, suggesting an illegal money laundering operation run from the highest levels of government. The amount of gold, 750,000 tons, used as collateral for this loan, which according to Riyadi and Lord James was actually a theft as nothing was ever paid back, is bunk as that amount of gold does not exist. There is almost certainly not that much gold in the entirety of the planet to be mined, so unless someone figured a way to turn lead to gold, this number is pure fantasy. The Bank of Indonesia said as much in a document which stated Riyadi only had 700 tons of gold, a still astronomical figure and further points to him being a real person. If the funds were transferred this way, without any government oversight from Congress or the President, it is a crime of unimaginable sums.
Around the same time, February 2012, came word that Italian authorities had discovered six trillion dollars in fake treasury bonds. Whether this has connection to the above story is unknown at this time but the timing is sure odd.
Future columns will investigate into the Pureheart Foundation which appears to be a money laundering operation and the possible originator of this scam. That $15 trillion could have been used to save this country from ruin, but instead went into rich people's pockets, possibly stolen form another. Think about this. Let's say Riyadi exists and is as rich as people say. If he was a secret trillionaire and the government set him up to defraud him of some of his money, who would he go to report said crime? He doesn't seem to exist in cyberspace anywhere, but banks and our Treasury department sure seem to think he's real. It's like stealing drugs from a drug dealer. They are not going to report said crime as illegal activity is going to put them in jail to. If Riyadi does exist, getting to someone like Lord James may be the best way, while still staying anonymous.
What isn't in question is the huge sum that wound up in RBS accounts. Why is the MSM not looking into this? Because they have been told to lay off by the powers that be is the only reason. More on this as info becomes available.
very interesting... you should supply links to the original documents so we can verify tho
ReplyDeleteThere is a link to the original documents in the article above. Dumb ass.
ReplyDeleteThe whole worlds a scam, its all about the mighty dollar and nothing else. life is too short and precious, keep life simple ,live and love as best you can," Mind Your Own Business",live within your means and maybe, just maybe, there might just be, an eternal peace on the other side. Maybe!
ReplyDeleteThis is a mystery and massive. It seems to be prevalent now days what with MF Global disappearing billions of customers money in a 'black hole', £13tn hoard hidden from taxman by global elite, and Sheikh Issa, brother of Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi robbed of 7.5 Billion by Goldman Sachs
ReplyDeleteIts a bit old by now, but I have a (alledgedly) genuine letter from Riyadi......witnessed by the B=Central Bank of Indonesia.....(FWW)