For all the people crying and whining out there about having to pay an exorbitant amount in taxes like Mitt Romney, the Koch Brothers and just about every Republican member of Congress, let me start off by saying "SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!" Yes, you pay a whopping fifteen percent at best and that's still too much as now you can't afford that gold plated toilet you ordered. Oh, the humanity. Meanwhile the rest of us live of of breadcrumbs you throw at us while we grovel to keep out jobs as you can fire us for no reason at all. How is that the American way? It isn't and it has to stop or else everything is going to come tumbling down. Let's look at ways to stop this nonsense.
STEP ONE: Get money out of politics. We as a people have to stand up and in one loud voice and say this nonsense has to stop. And for all the Tories out there, like Rush Limbaugh, that shout down our ideas, we need to be even louder. Anyone voting Republican should be shunned across the board. If your friends are voting for dumbasses, explain to them why they are stupid motherfuckers and if they can't defend their positions, which they won't, berate them for being the dumbasses they are. No more civility between these ideas. Plato once wrote that the only way to make some people see reason is to literally beat them over the head with the truth, to drag them into the light of reason so to speak. This one way tolerance bull shit has got to end. I will debate anyone any any topic and I haven't lost in years. The reason for that isn't my high intellect, which I do possess (IQ 183), but my grasp of logical principles which eventually leads anyone arguing with me into a dead end street from which there is no logical way out.
Money is the root of all evil and especially, thanks to Citizen's United, dangerous in today's political world. The idiot republicans in Congress, including lapdog Scott Brown, recently voted to kill the Disclose Act which have made it law to tell people what morons are producing and financing SuperPacs. As the GOP uses these commercials to spread the worst lies and hide behind a veil of anonymity, color me not surprised. Fuck Scott Brown and any fool voting for him.
We need a set amount given to each candidate, so money is no longer a factor and end the failed SuperPac experiment. Removing money, removes corporate interests and levels the playing field once more for the average Joe.
STEP TWO- Nationalize a country wide union. This will give everyone making over a million a year a pay cut and use that money to raise salaries for the middle class which hasn't gotten a raise in over forty years. We have way too much money at the top and not nearly enough for the the other 99% of us. CEO salaries have risen 3000 times larger than the average man. They've made millions while we starve and then they tell us it's our fault because we had to use credit to get by as our salaries were not keeping up with inflation. If more people had more money to pay taxes because of higher salaries, the world wouldn't be broke as we are. This is common sense ideas that neither party is discussing, and neither is the world. Shocker.
The average salary at this point should be about $80,000 a year. It's not even half that anymore. Yet we have people bitching about government workers who are making that because their unions have protected their salaries in accordance with inflation. If we had a national union, which other countries do, this type of theft would not be occurring and we would not be in the financial trouble we are in today. We are not broke because we spent to much on poor people, or that unions demanded too much (although in some cases that was true it was not a major factor in the US decline), even though this is all we here about why the Euro is in so much trouble. The Euro didn't begin it's collapse because of socialism, it is dying for the same reason as here: rich people are stealing all of the money and blaming us for the theft.
The LIBOR scandal, which Media Matters noticed that ABC and NBC devoted zero coverage of so far, shows that the elites betting on a rigged system. If you knew, absolutely KNEW, that a horse race tomorrow would have a specific winner and you found out about it ahead of time, you'd bet the farm on it. That is exactly what the banks are doing. They are using the derivative market to game the system as they knew for years which way the interest rate was going to go and could bet everything on a sure winner, thus the hundred trillion dollar derivative market. The banks are letting billions ride on sure winners while the rest of us have no hope of duplicating their wins. As the market is no longer based on market forces but manipulation the average investor will ultimately lose everything. The house always wins here and the elites own the casino.
STEP THREE- Prosecute the banks for that theft and put in jail anyone connected with it. Start putting a few rich people in Rikers and watch the changes start happening.
STEP FOUR-Debt forgiveness- Anyone making under $100,000 a year can have a portion of their debt wiped clean say up to $25,000. This can be used for mortgages, credit card debt or other types of loans. The money will be taken from a special fund taken from large banks who defrauded the system as well as asset forfeitures from the richie riches who helped make it happen. The remaining banks that are left will see a windfall as people use this money to pay off their debt, foreclosures will come to and end, and savings increase, a win win win situation.
STEP FIVE-Eliminate stock holdings for anyone holding a high level government office and end the revolving door or government/corporate interests. The too cozy relationship between business and government has to end. Anyone serving in Congress, the Supreme Court or in the White House needs to get rid of all stock holdings for themselves and their wives. There is way too much inside trading going to allow this anymore. Also add anyone working for the government CANNOT work for any firm with government dealings for at least two years after leaving office. And No "consulting" or other ways around it either. Go back to your house and write your memoirs.
These are just a few common sense ways to fix America and the world. More on this later with other ways to fix things that our politicians are not talking about.
In one other story Joe Apraio is still at the birther nonsense claiming proof of fraud. Looked at his evidence and still don't get what he is talking about as some of his "proof" has already been debunked. This guy's a loon.
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