Last night at the midnight showing for the new Batman movie, "Dark Night Rises," a man dressed as the Joker shot up the theater killing at least twelve. James Holmes, a PhD candidate in neuroscience donned a Joker outfit and started a spree killing. He gave himself up without incident which makes me think he wanted fame at any cost in our celebrity worshipping country. Almost immediately, the networks starting making grand predictions, none of which will be right because they NEVER are. The Conservative sites, like Drudge Report and Breitbart, immediately jumped on the possibility the nutbag is a registered democrat due to highly suspect info. Likewise, ABC news reported a Tea Party connection which they retracted soon afterward. It really doesn't matter which party he follows as HE'S INSANE. We saw the same garbage being thrown at the attempted assassination of Gabby Giffords as to what political views the would be assassin had. Turns out, the guy was nuts, as seen by his smiling mug shot and eyes that said HELTER SKELTER.
And, just like clockwork, the anti gun nuts come out screaming about gun control. Mayor Bloomberg stated he was posting police into further showings in New York to prevent copy cats while at the same time calling for more gun control because that would have solved everything. Right. I hold the opposite position that everyone should be armed. More guns equal less crime as seen in countries like Israel and Switzerland where the crime rate for violent crimes against strangers and burglary is close to zero. Why? Almost every house has an AK-47 in it. No one screws with anyone when you have heavily armed public. Had someone been carrying a gun in the theater (and to be clear I have no idea what Colorado's concealed gun policy is, but here in the North East, it's akin to applying for a baby eating licence), there is no way all those people would have died.
Like that big story about another spree killing in Salt Lake City in April. You all remember that right? You don't? Oh that's right, he got stopped after stabbing two people by an armed civilian who stopped the madman from continuing. You would think that would get more news coverage outside the Salt Lake area but no nothing from a true liberal bias that most MSM does indeed suffer from. I find most attacks on the "liberal media" ridiculous as no such entity exists and I would know as I have worked in all aspects of the entertainment industry at one point or another. As a former news reporter for Stonebridge Press and an editor for a CBS news affiliate I can tell you that yes, most reporters have a liberal bias. However, the editors and owners certainly don't as in every instance the higher ups were staunch Republicans. But in cases of gun control, this one does get more airplay than I think it deserves and the opposite where guns save lives never show up anywhere.
Is life imitating art? If it is, this movie may be more destructive than anybody thinks. I haven't seen it yet and will report more on the subversive aspects of it and how they are presented, but what I know is Bane is going after the elites of Gotham in a very violent way. While Holmes is indeed a huge nutbag, others may see this film and decide Bane is right. The sad part is a lot of us may end up sympathizing with Bane as the world elites are indeed sending us down a destructive path for which violence may be the ultimate end. Let me be clear again that I do not condone violence until absolutely necessary and we are far from that at the moment. If something like a UN gun confiscation plan actually happens, then all bets are off.
When I first started with Stonebridge Press, one of the first film reviews I did was for "V for Vendetta." I called it one of the most subversive movies ever and that it would spark a world wide revolution with its ideas. People ridiculed me for that. Watch any protest anywhere on earth and the Guy Fawkes mask will be worn by hundreds, so there. The hacker group, Anonymous, much like myself, have adopted that mask as our symbol for protest and that film is still one of my favorites of all time.
The film is telling you about all sorts of secrets if you watch it closely enough. One of the biggest is the 9/11 allegory tied to the terrorist attack on St. Mary's in the film and the line "there is no such thing as coincidence." Study the events of 9/11 as reported by the government and keep telling yourself that line and watch the disbelief begin. There are too many coincidences with that day to be within the realm of chance yet here we are more than a decade later still believing a fairy tale. The Wachowski's other great film "The Matrix," is equally subversive about not accepting the reality our leaders keep framing for us.
So if the Joker is real, where is out Batman? Where is our rich elitist who will don the cape and stop crime where ever it occurs? I'd settle for one who starts calling on his rich douchebag friends to stop stealing all the money on the planet and give some back to us. The elites should be worried as a true Bain character is not out of the real possibility that someone may be inspired by him to start shooting rich people. I'd almost, ALMOST, like to see that. Especially if their name rhymes with smoke, tush, banter, or shimbaugh.
Never heard words spoke any truer
ReplyDeleteNo where did it ever say he was dressed as the Joker. He wore black and body armor not a purple suit.
ReplyDeleteWhile it is true he did not wear a Joker outfit, he did dye his hair red and told police afterward he was the Joker. My wording could have been better.