1)Obama- For the most part, he had a good week. Poll numbers show a push toward his side in several key states like Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin, he's been giving far better stump speeches than his clueless opponent: the Mitt Bott 2012, and has spelled out some concrete ideas on his plan for the future. Then he destroys all that good will by shutting down the largest pot dispensary in California, who was abiding by all the rules and, as a result, got hit with all sort of IRS fines and criminal probes.
What part of a vast majority of this country supports medical marijuana do you not get? It is exactly this one step forward, two steps back strategy that infuriates people about you. LEAVE POT ALONE ALREADY! In case you haven't noticed, more people died this week from prescription pills than have ever been killed in all of human history from weed. Get your fucking priorities straight already. There are really dangerous drugs out there and all of them are being prescribed by doctors nationwide. Yet here you are keeping us safe from Reefer Madness. Unbelievable.
2)Congress- Never has there been a more worthless group of shitheads than this latest group of brain dead idiots. The House voted for the 33rd time to repeal Obamacare, which of course went along party lines and will die a painful death in the Senate where it has no chance of survival. This boondoggle has cost us two week of Senate time and over $50 million. Sure is nice that nothing important is going on like the country sinking into an abyss or anything. Next week, hearings on Lance Armstrong doping scandals will begin. WTF? Also comes word that House Republicans are seeking to make it a crime for reporters to report any news they don't like.
These fascists want to make it illegal to know about things like Watergate or the Mai Lai Massacre or any other government wrong doing which would be banned under this new law. No free speech issues there. The worst part is do not count on the democrats to put up too much of a fight on this as Obama has been less than helpful against whistleblowers like Pvt. Manning, currently under arrest for exposing such wrong doing to an unaware public. Congress, on both sides of the aisle, are compromising our freedom. Don't let it happen.
3)London curfew rules- In a punch in the face to one of London's greatest musicians, Bruce Springsteen and Paul McCartney had their Hyde Park concert cut short when concert organizers pulled the plus when the show ran long. Twenty five minutes long to be exact as the show ended at 10:40 (10:15 was the supposed show ending)whether or not the Boss was done or not. Fans were understandably pissed as the power was cut during "Twist and Shout." Way to let them finish the song, fuckwads. Nearby rich people complained about the noise, prompting this and other issues with the very popular concert series which pumps a lot of money into the local economy. I hate rich people.
4)The Olympics- Where to start. First the weather, which is dumping feet of rain on the nation for the past few weeks shows no sign of letting up, is turning Olympic park into the world's biggest swimming pool. Then there is constant MSM barrage of security there and how wonderful it is.
This is the exact opposite of what is being reported across the pond which are saying the security sucks, half the guards don't speak English and mock terrorist drills are getting through with all sorts of bad things. This could get bad as a false flag operation is not out of the question let alone a legitimate attack. The first bomb could be the opening ceremonies which have little to overcome with last year's awful Canadian whoop de doo and a mountain to even compete with China.
5)MSM- Their crap coverage of the Olympic security issues aside, how long is the MSM going to keep telling us "we are just coming out of a recession." This has been going on since 2009 when the recession officially ended, and by ended I mean the government told us it had ended and we should all get back to work, forgetting that most of us didn't have a job anymore. It is impossible to be constantly just coming out of recession for three years now. We have been in a DEPRESSION and you have just fixed the numbers to make things look way better than it really is. We are all not that stupid. Just most of us by the look of the poll numbers.
6)Stupid people- It was revealed this week that Romney biggest supporters are blue collar workers, the very people who will suffer the most under his Presidency. These people should be sterilized because the offspring will be dumber than they are.
7)Stupid people's offspring- The youth of America are getting dumber and more spoiled by the minute. Tests scores are nose diving, Internet crazes like burning yourself with dry ice and the cinnamon challenge are all the rage and no one is raised to believe that not everyone will be a rock star or fashion model. It was revealed this week that Jesse Jackson Jr. was in a facility for mood disorders, after disappearing for a month. His mom stated that young people don't bounce back the way their generation did after disappointment, as his career stalled in the wake of the Rob Blagojevich scandal. That's because thanks to liberal policies in schools there is no competition, everyone is equal and everyone gets "participation awards," so no feels left out. Then they enter the real world and discover a cut throat mentality they are woefully unprepared for. Time to teach kids real life and stop with the nanny sate bull.
8)Rich People- There were a bunch of rich assholes this week. Hans Kristian Rausing, a billionaire and heir to the Tetra Pak fortune, was arrested for killing his wife. Drug problems will almost certainly be behind this as they have a long history of issues that would have sent lesser people to prison for a long time. There were once arrested for possession of 52 grams of coke, meth and crack. They walked with a slap in the wrist. It's good to be the king, apparently.
Then we have Denise Rich, the socialite who gives tons of money to the Democratic party and whose Husband, Marc, was pardoned in the final days by President Clinton, fled the country to avoid paying taxes. Douche.
Michael Marin took cyanide to avoid jail time in the ultimate "you can't fire me I quit" moment. Found guilty of arson when he burned his house down to get the insurance money and avoid his unaffordable mortgage, he killed himself moments after the verdict came down.
We have Mitt Romney who is in the midst of a bad scandal involving his involvement in Bain Capital. He has repeatedly said that he was not part of Bain when the outsourcing of jobs took place while SEC records show him listed as CEO still in 2000 and 2001. Critics have called for him to release his tax forms from those years which he has steadfastly refused, making him look like he has something to hide. This isn't going away Mitt so you better get those tax forms ready or else face a crushing defeat come November.
But the real winner this week is Russel Wasendorf who also attempted suicide after his empire came crashing down, due to his theft of at least $200 million from investors.
He now faces serious criminal charges and the town of Ceder Rapids is reeling from the news as his business failure will have serious repercussions as hundreds in town have lost their jobs, their savings, or both. In his suicide note, he spelled out exactly how he went about doing this for twenty years, something his trial will be pouring over. So congratulations Russell Wasendorf, you destroyed a town and most of its inhabitants for your own greed. You are indeed douchebag of the week.
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