First, this is not a slide toward a totalitarian state but in reality closer to a socialistic state where the rights of all, not just the wealthy few, are respected. The most misunderstood provision is the mandate that demands that people have health insurance. This is how we pay for people like myself whose premiums have risen to unaffordable levels due to health concerns that were in no way my fault. It's called a risk pool and, if watching Hannity or Fox Five are any indication, the pundits who speak so poorly on the subject have no idea what they are talking about. One brain power on Fox Five actually said she couldn't figure out how adding millions of people to the insurance roles would actually lower prices rather than make them go higher. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Next time, retard maybe you should open a book before opening your mouth because you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. This is EXACTLY how prices are lowered as younger, healthier people help lower the rates of those that are sick in what is called an average. Maybe you should go back to school because most of us learned that when we were in third grade.
The main problem with the mandate is that it contains no provision for those who can't afford insurance and may do some real damage to those who make more than the required amount. Someone making thirty thousand a year may be forced to be insurance at over $400 a month with no way of actually paying for it if that person has bills to pay, and who doesn't. House payment, student loans and credit card debt may make the fine more agreeable than care if the person is young and healthy anyway.
But this can be easily solved by doing what we do here in MA and provide subsidized care, much like a single payer plan, to those that don't reach a certain income level. The results from MA have been very successful, have lowered rates (contrary to what Fox News say will be the end of health care if implemented), increased health care for all citizens to 98%, and has not led to these ridiculous claims of fifty five day waits for doctors. Not even my pain specialist I see in Worcester is no longer than three weeks and that is normal across the country.
Our health care system sucks and I am so sick of hearing the GOP say recall and replace with no actual plan of any sort to replace. Anyone who wants to go back to the old system is too stupid to live and really should just shoot themselves and be done with it because I don't know how much idiocy the rest of us can take. How stupid are people? Take this stat for example. The states with the fattest people like Texas and Alabama, are also the ones most against health care reform. These are the same people being charged more for insurance because they and their neighbors are fat and thus pay more in insurance premiums. If the risk pool was widened, then their insurance rates would go down. Yet, the stand on the corner, fat rolls spilling over the jeans, screaming "TAKE YOUR GOVERNMENT HANDS OFF MY MEDICARE!" If I have to explain to you why that is both funny and retarded you are not bright enough to be reading this column and I suggest being spoon fed information from hacks like Glenn Beck.
Our health care system needs a lot of work. We spend more than anybody else on earth and have one of the worst systems in the Western world. When countries like Cuba and Estonia beat you, you have a serious problem.
Our freedoms are being lost and a health care mandate is far from the worst. We have TSA agents being recruited right from prison yards and now Congress wants to arm them and have them patrol the streets. Yeah, that can't go horribly wrong? Banks are stealing from us on a daily basis and the governments response is "What can we do?" I don't know, but arresting them might be nice for a change.
We have a President taking away our freedoms and a GOP who wants to go even farther. We have concentration camps littering our country, paid for with our tax dollars. We have not seen a raise for the middle class in forty years yet the rich complain that the extra $10000 dollars they may have to fork over will kill job creation, even though that has been dead in the water for years now. And we have an idiot public demanding change that only the rich want and will affect 90% of the country adversely. The Republicans keep breaking things and then tell America "look it's broken just like we said." Yeah, but you did it and keep doing it. We not all stupid.
So this Fourth, remember what is being lost in the country and realize that socialized health care is a good thing that needs a few tweaks not a total loss. Press the GOP for a finalized health care plan before voting for their demagoguery. Your life literally depends on it because if the GOP gets their way the only health care plan left will be the one that covers Congress and the President.
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