1)Casey James- This guy qualifies for worst employee ever. While working at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, James got into a texting phone argument with his ex-girlfriend about her new beau. He got pissed, wanted to go home, so he set fire to the ship he was working on causing $400 million dollars in damage to taxpayer equipment which we now have to reimburse. His girlfriend was right to break up with this mastermind. He faces life in prison and up $250,000 in fines. Way to go dude.
2)LA city council- Speaking of masterminds, in a complete lack of understanding of how democracy works, the local government has put a ban on medical marijuana shops within city limits. Nevermind the fact that a huge majority of people support medical pot, nevermind the fact that you will be putting thousands of people out of work in a depression, nevermind the huge decrease in taxes you will collect, nevermind the fact that you condemning sick people to a life of agony, nevermind the fact that none of you will win re-election, that "dangerous demon weed" will be no more. Except in every high school, grammar school and playground city wide now that you are driving it back underground again. And come election day, a lot of you will be joining in that long line at the unemployment office. I seriously hope you all come down with degenerative nerve diseases that requires pot to alleviate the pain. Let's see how high and mighty you are then.
3)Eric Holder and the Justice Department- There is no low this ass won't sink to. It turns out that Holder and Lanny Bruer, head of the DoJ criminal division were both partners for years at a firm that represented Big Banks almost exclusively. It is worth noting that not one indictment against any bank has been made for their foreclosure mess, the LIBOR scandal, or any other problem not cased by a single person, ie Bernie Madoff. Rumor is Holder is looking at a narrow range investigation into the LIBOR scandal, or in other words, a scape goat will be necessary to look like the administration is doing something, but in reality is just looking out for the banks best interests. Expect some low level lackey's head to fall, like Martha Stewart's show trial, to show blood to the mob all the while stealing trillions from us.Wake up people. This is only going to get worse.
4)Michael Phelps- Dude, you sucked this week so far. Maybe you should be laying off the pot a little.
5)NBC- Leave it to this failing network to screw up the opening ceremonies. First they failed to show the opening games anywhere except taped on their network for maximum ratings (Can't really fault them for that) which pissed off many who would have liked to watch it live on the Internet. Then, it comes out that they edited out part of the opening for an interview with Michael Phelps. WTF? You have two and half weeks to show that interview a dozen times, leave the opening ceremonies as is, douches.
6)The Ralph Smeed Foundation- A loony libertarian sect, these brainpowers put up an electronic billboard lately linking Obama to the Joker shootings in Colorado. A giant sign in Caldwell, Idaho shows a photo of Holmes with the words, "Kills 12 in a movie theater with assault rifle, everyone freaks out," written under his picture, which cuts to a photo of Obama with the words, "Kills thousands with foreign policy, wins Nobel Peace Prize," written below. The words TOO SOON mean anything for. Christ can anyone show a LITTLE tact in the wake of this tragedy.
7)Anti-gun nuts- The reason 12 people died in that massacre wasn't the fact that Holmes had guns but that no one else in the theater was allowed to have them. One guy with a 45 would have seriously ruined Holmes day and kept a lot of others alive. And body armor or not, you get shot, it will stun you. We need to have serious discussion about guns and outlawing them is not the answer. Just ask Australia what happened when they banned all sorts of guns following a massacre a school where dozens of children were killed. The crime rate skyrocketed and still hasn't gone down to the time before guns were outlawed. Gun laws make crime go up, way up. That is not a statistic that can be refuted no matter how many times some idiot suggest it can. Science is not up to debate. It is fact or it is not. I wish everyone out there would stop gumming up the system with their nonsense.
8)James Holmes Conspiracy theories- Why is it, no matter what the tragedy, there is always a conspiracy. Sometimes, like 9/11 or OKC, there is ample evidence to support a debate. But when it comes to idiocy like the moon landing, John John's ill fated plane trip or this latest round of garbage with the Colorado shooting, there is NO CONSPIRACY. There is not one shred of proof for any of the above statements. I can bounce a powerful laser off the lunar module or even see it with a strong enough telescope so I know we went to the moon. I used to live a few miles from the airport John Kennedy Jr took off from and that night was worst fog I ever seen in my life, so those reports about "clear skies" the night of the crash are making shit up. And now we have James Holmes who the alternate press is all over and "eyewitnesses" who say they saw a second gunman. Eyewitness testimony is worthless and anything anyone ever tells you must be taken with a grain of salt. This guy was a loner in every sense of the work with no close friends and a family history of mental illness. He defines the lone shooter mentality.
9)The super rich- While the rest of us starve with downward mobility all the rage, now comes word that some unnamed Middle Eastern billionaire (most likely a trillionaire) will be purchasing the largest yacht in the world worth over $500 million dollars. Fucker.
10)Mitt Romney and the GOP- The Republicans party had a very bad week this week. They keep crowing about their job program, which when placed under scrutiny, is shown to be a terrible idea that will do nothing to spur job growth. They have killed any type of legislation that could help the country like the much needed Farm bill, any of Obama's job programs and now comes word that the bills needed to save the Post Office are dying due to a GOP stranglehold on passing anything. Voting Republican means voting to end America so keep it up idiots. Meanwhile, the rest of us starving.
Add to the mix, GOP nominee Mitt Romney, who had a terrible week insulting England over their Olympics and then stumbling over an apology. He looked so UNPRESIDENTIAL it was startling. And contrary to what the nationwide polls show which say Romney leads by five points, individual state polls in key battleground states, show an unmistakable lead for the President. If the election were held today, it is most likely that Obama will already by over the necessary 270 votes to win easily. Romney has an uphill battle and desperately needs a fatal misstep by Obama to catch up at this point. It is highly unlikely that that will happen. So congratulations Mitt, you are indeed douchebag of the week.
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