Both Romney and Obama both got slammed this week by their opponents for statements taken way out of context for political hay to be made of. For Obama it was his highly accurate statement that rich people don't build anything on their own. The GOP pounced that this "anti business statement" proved the President to be that Marxist Kenyan they always knew he was. What he actually said is that no business owner starts a business on his own. He always has help. Most received generous tax breaks by the government, as a few individuals were discovered to have been recipients of in a recent anti-Obama ad slamming the President for offering the exact same help they are guilty of taking, or at the very least, employed people to build their buildings, equipment, etc. No one builds a business all on their own. It is not possible.
Yet the GOP publicity machine is now basing an entire platform over an international misunderstanding, that once the full speech is heard, makes perfect sense. The Republicans fucktards have taken one line and looped it around and around like a scene from Clockwork Orange. My eyeballs dry out every time I see Scott Brown stooping to a new low by using this crap in a new ad campaign that ties Obama to his opponent Elizabeth Warren and their "commie" ways. Warren is at least standing up for the little guy, a rarity in this day and age. Anyone not voting for her come November better bend over and be prepared to take it up the ass because the very people putting Republicans into office are going to be some of the first affected by their scorched earth policy on social programs. Hope you like living with granny, because her SS check is going to disappear along with her medical care. Enjoy your life broke like the rest of us. And you will have no one to blame but yourself.
Fox news has had a field day with this as shows like Fox and Friends(the worst morning show ever and anyone who watches early morning TV will see that's quite a feat.), keep showing the same Obama clip, out of context as always, while crowing about what a dick the President is for daring to suggest that rich people are not all powerful. Sacrilege they cry. I can't keep my muffin down in the morning watching this crap. This is on 24/7 and is a complete and total lie.
Then comes Romney on his now ill fated trip to the Olympics in England. What should have been a simple photo op with world leaders, has now turned into a giant fiasco because of another statement taken out of context. Romney was asked by NBC news anchor Brian Williams what he thought about the British Olympics. He said he felt they were doing a good job but felt the security problems with G4S was an issue and that the strike by railroad workers was ill timed. He then hoped the British people would rally around and deliver a great Olympics.
For this, the British pounced as if he were George Washington circa 1778. How dare he criticize us, the British Press wrote. Our patriotism is not be questioned, and more nonsense like that caught Romney totally off guard. David Cameron made a dig at Salt Lake City being in the middle of nowhere (it is) and mayor Boris Johnson told a crowd of 80,000 at Hyde Park that they are ready for the Olympics regardless of what Mitt Romney said as the crowd cheered. Not exactly the right image you want in your first foreign outing is to insult the people you are going to visit.
His response to their criticism does show a glaring flaw in his run for high office that he seemed so unpresidential in all of this. His stupid grin plastered to his face, he looks more like a car salesman trying to get me to buy the undercoating than a political candidate. This was all handled badly by not looking like a leader who should have stood by what he said while praising the British for all their efforts. He could have said this: "I stand by what I said that there are some glaring problems with the Olympics such as the handling of the G4S security company. How did they receive 22 million pounds and do nothing with it? Why were so many people not showing up for work? This is a fundamental problem with our society that too many companies are taking our tax dollars and we are getting nothing for it. If I am elected President I will put a stop to this kind of egress and blah blah blah." You get the idea. Instead, he backed down to public pressure, like he always does as his past is littered with positions that change at the drop of a hat, and looked more like a stooge than a leader. Way to go.
I live near a battleground state so I get all the wonderful ads that lie, lie and lie some more. The closer we get to the election, the worse its going to get. Joy.
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