It was not a good week for Mitt Romney or Barack Obama this week. Mitt wins by a nose however as he seems incapable of answering the simplest question without looking shady and evasive. Last Friday, Romney finally went on all the major networks at answer questions for which he seemed woefully unprepared. Everytime a reporter asked Mitt about his alternative health care plan in his ill advised "repeal and replace" nonsense, he said that was something to worry about AFTER he was elected President. He gave the same response with the economy, job growth and every other question aimed at him. It's like he has no positions on anything (roll eyes and sigh here as that is exactly what kind of man Romney is). Hate to break it to you douche but if you don't start spelling out concrete plans to fix the economy, health care and job creation, Obama is going to win in a landslide. No one is going to buy a car sight unseen as you are asking the American people to do.
Then comes a major Achilles heel for Romney: Bain Capital. According to Romney, he left Bain Capital in 1999 and had no major dealings with them afterward. Unfortunately, his name appears on SEC fillings that showed he was still CEO until at least 2001. This is serious as felony charges could be leveled against him if he filed a false return or he can fess up and say he was indeed CEO until 2001 and yes, outsourcing did occur under his watch. It's lose, lose at this point and this scandal isn't going to go away so easy. Plus, Mother Jones reported yesterday that Romney had dealings with a Chinese company when he was CEO in 1998 and 1999 which outsourced ten of thousands of jobs overseas, so he doesn't really have a leg to stand on anyway.
Word is that Romney has picked a VP and it is highly unlikely that Condoleezza Rice will be that pick. As she is pro-choice and pro gay marriage, this ticket would be tough sell for the American Taliban and the Teatards to swallow so that notion seems really farfetched at best. Conventional wisdom narrows the field to three most likely candidates, Rob Portman of Ohio, Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, and the most likely, Tim Pawlenty, a man so white bread, Romney looks hip standing next to him. It would be a safe, vanilla choice that will add little to the ticket but won't damage him like Sarah Palin did to John McCain four years ago. Romney has a uphill battle at this point as Bain Capital may be an albatross around his neck and with his inability to defuse any situation, this scandal isn't going away any time soon.
Speaking of scandals, we now have word Geitner knew about the LIBOR price fixing in 2008 and made "attempts" to fix the problem. It also revealed that the banks made recommendations on how to fix the problem to Geitner which of course, solved nothing. Self regulation DOES NOT WORK. How many times do we have to get burned in this scam for Washington to realize that this is exactly the right way to destroy a civilization? Government makes the rules for corporations, not vice verse unless setting up a new Nazi regime is what your end game is, and let's not rule that out, as a fascist state is where we are headed.
What happened in the LIBOR scandal is clear: the government saw a problem, asked the banks how they would like to fix it, they gave the government a few bones to waive them off, and nothing changed. Problem solved everyone. We can all go home now. The corporations have decided that the little people matter more than money and none of that actually happened of course. Corporations stole billions from us, demanded tax payer money to cover their loses, and pointed fingers at each other when they got caught.
US regulators and the MSM have ignored the problem as meaningless while across the pond, the British press and government are up in arms about it. As the US has a "well everyone was doing it" mentality, no one is being held accountable for it. WTF? Can we please have just one politician who will stand up and decry this nonsense. We actually do and her name is Elizabeth Warren, so anyone living in MA better be voting for her over GOP lapdog Scott Brown unless total economic collapse is what you want because you better believe that if the GOP gets control of all branches of government again, it will be financial Armageddon by 2013.
US banks were involved just like Barclay's, HSBC and RBS and for this someone's head better roll because we out here in cyberspace are getting a little pissed that we keep bailing out banks in the worst socialistic experiment ever. Socialism is not take from the poor so the rich may have more. That gravy train has ended and any politician trying that scenario again will not survive the vote come November on either side of the political aisle.
There is also word that, much like the LIBOR rate, oil prices may also have been fixes. Wow, how not shocked am I over that piece of info. Much like the world elite, who tell us how much money they have, businesses have a reason to underreport their assets as it means how much they have to pay, or hide from paying, in taxes. If the oil price can be manipulated upward or down, a person can make a fortune on the derivative market, if I know for sure which way the needle will swing. The British are looking into this along with the LIBOR scandal, two things you will not hear on the nightly news on any channel tonight. What we have are banks able manipulate rates as there is no regulatory actions to oversee them. The SEC and FED are a revolving door of ex-bankers so good luck with that. Plus, they have no real reason to report the correct numbers on any commodities trade, meaning billions could be trading hands and no one has any knowledge of it.
This kind of crap has to stop and pronto because the coming Depression we are all facing may knock civilization out as we know it, according to many major economists now. We are facing a bleak prospect of either anarchy or a police state, neither of which sounds appealing with anarchy the most likely scenario, as many a soldier has already told me they will go AWOL if society starts to go belly up and protect their family and not the elite. Time is running out and voting for GOP candidates is a sure fire to end American. The Democrats may not be much better, but there are more reasonable members on the blue side than the red. Once we get rid of the morons, we can start demanding the Democrats start listening to us too or else they go next. It really is our only hope at this point.
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