For a brief period in my past, I sold health and life insurance. If you ever want to hate mankind as much as I did, try selling that product. 99% of America has no idea how health insurance works and are woefully unprepared for a catastrophic injury or sickness. These are same retards standing outside of Congress demanding an end to Obamacare, which while far from perfect, is a step in the right direction. If you get really sick in this country, insurance or not, your going to lose everything. Things like your house, your car, your savings and your sanity are all going to go bye bye. If you get cancer, chances are you will amass at least $56 thousand in debt by the time it's all over, and that's after insurance pay outs. Do you have an extra $56 thousand lying around because I sure don't.
Our health care still sucks and until we get a single payer plan nothing is going to change. For all those horror stories you hear about nationalized heath care abroad, we finish dead last in cost, benefits and age longevity in every Western nation. Say what you want about Canada or England but no one goes broke from getting cancer there, costs are lower and the people have a longer life span. Not so here. I think I found the main cause for some of this stupidity: The Republican Party.
First off they have demonized Obamacare to such a point I keep waiting for them to say demons will get you and puppies will die if Obamacare is allowed to survive much longer. This was not to save us from a bad plan but to make Obama look bad. What kind of signal are we sending our kids when we put partisanship over the fate of the country?
And who are these stalwarts of reason that people are putting their faith in? We have Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity who are so brain dead they could almost qualify as zombies. Both have recently claimed that the new Batman movie had the bad guy named Bane because of Mitt Romney. Right. Michelle Bachman, using a six degrees of Kevin Bacon logic, accused Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minn) and Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, both Muslim-Americans, of ties to radical Islamic groups without a shred of evidence. And then there's Sheriff Joe Apraio's idiotic accusations about the President's birth certificate. Are any of the platforms involving reason or logic? HELL NO!
According to the platform of the 2012 Republican Party of Texas, which also has one of the worst school systems in the country, wrote this recently:
“We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.”
Read that again and think about what was being said. It says, we don't want you to think about anything and simply accept what we tell you is true. Don't undermine your parents. Don't question the State. Don't ask about religion. Obey. The GOP is officially thumbing their nose at reason and logic and the people they have in office are preaching to the choir with their idiotic nonsense. The House today killed two bills to fix the Post Office and a much needed farm bill just because it would have make Obama look good had they passed. Where was the reason and logic there? Right out the window apparently.Yet Rush Limbaugh and Hannity gets millions of people watching and listening to their idiocy, Bachmann gets elected somehow and Joe Apraio still has a badge. Frightening.
It is from this level of non-critical thinking that the crazies have come out claiming MK-ULTRA ties to James Holmes, aka "The Joker" and multiple gunman. First, he had only been in Colorado a short time so unless he was being brainwashed in San Diego, that tidbit is worthless. And there were no other gunman, just a lone crazy shooting people up in the theater. The fact that it was another mass shooting in Colorado, AGAIN, is the odd part although in this case, most likely, coincidence. The new Denver Airport has been a rumored Illumanti/NWO/Aliens/Reptoid from Dimension X base. There has been a lot of construction still going on, weird murals on the walls, a capstone dedicated to the NWO and a demonic looking horse statue outside so I can understand why people may fixate on Colorado. This has been the scene of several mass shootings, the most famous until now being Columbine, the Jon Benet Ramsey Case and home to the Supermax prison.
People always try to make things bigger than they are. It's never just a lone man but a vast, impossible conspiracy. In order for Obama's birth certificate to be fake, tens of thousands of people would have to be in on it. Otherwise, people who handle those documents every day would know it's a fake. And not one, NOT ONE, (at least not with any credibility) has come forward to say it is. If Obama brought that to any DMV, he'd get a license. On the flip side, there are those who say the same thing about the Kennedy Assassination or 9/11 which would both require far fewer people and a true reason to be quiet about it as death is never in anyone playbook and would be the end result for any squealer. With both, as few as a handful of people may have have known what was really going on with others being used as pawns and surrogates.
Stupidity is rampant today as the US is fed a steady diet of fast food, crappy movies and TV and horrifically bad books like Twilight and anything written by a reality star. If Snookie's book is on your nightstand right now, kill yourself. Please. No one is thinking about anything right now and critical thinking is all but dead. As a Master of Logic, I look down on these poor fools trying to make two plus two equals five, reading the Bible as fact, and not being able to name the current Vice President as the end of the world. No one even votes anymore. In the last mayoral race in New York City, only 500,000 voted out of 8 million. And then we wonder why nothing get better. This is what we've asked for. Enjoy.
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