Sunday, December 18, 2011


On this day, 12/18/11, the country known as the United States has officially come to an end. The worst part is we are as responsible for the coming fascism as the people who have no instigated it. It only took corporations since 1933 to do what they've always wanted: control the government and everyone in it. And the Tea Party wants them to have even more power. Unbelievable. Let's see those runner ups.

1)Newt Gingrich- This asshole could be possibly the worst candidate ever for president. If for some miracle of the devil he actually gets into office we are all screwed. His ego and lack of any leadership qualities will almost certainly turn what is left of this country into Germany part 2 with the Muslims being treated as the new Jews of the 21st century. Go back and listen to what he is proposing. Child labor laws: gone. Minimum wage: history. SS, Medicare, and Medicade: Poof. He's even gone so far as to say ON CAMERA that letting a terrorist act get through every now and then to remind the people of why we are fighting the "terrorists" would be a good thing. Sounds like 9/11 to me. This guy is frightening.

2)Herman Cain, Donald Trump, John Huntsman, Michelle Bachmann, and Rick Santorium- The race is over and you guys lost. Some of you don't just know yet. Trump I'm looking at you by the way.

3)Ron Paul- Got nothing bad to say about him honestly. So go Ron Paul in 2012. I'm rooting for you. I don't agree with everything you say (who does) but I have a feeling you might right the sinking ship.

4)MSM- You guys treat Ron Paul like the ugly girl at the high school dance only to find out years later she's a supermodel. Grow a pair and start acknowledging what we all know: RON PAUL IS VERY ELECTABLE.

5)Rick Perry- This guy is so goofy, George Bush looks at him and shakes his head. Not a week goes by where he doesn't say something stupid and then confuses everyone by talking about some new interesting idea like making Congress a part time job. I LOVE that idea which is what it was for many many years until people started making real money at it.

6)Eric Cantor- I hate this guy. This week he held up the congressional insider trading bill that would have prevented congress from racking up huge profits with insider info. Once again if you're going to act like a stereotypical jew you should be called what you are: Jewy Mcjewjew. Just so no one reads this and thinks I'm anti- semetic, I'm not. I support Isreal but let's call a spade a spade. Just so anyone doesn't think I hate black people..... oh I give up with this politically correct garbage. I am not a racist.

7)Obama-Speaking of black people I don't like, short of Newt Gingrich getting the nod, I will not vote for Barack Obama for a second term. He has lied to me for the last time. This week he signed into law a bill that could send whoever we want to prison ending protections for world citizens since 1215. Habeaus Corpus and the Posse Commitatus act are dead. If the government wants to throw you in one of those new FEMA prisons which no one seems to want to talk about, they can. Read Kafka's The Trial for a preview of what may be in our future. The New York Times did an editorial about this while Salon and Rolling Stone all did articles about this new law and how it effects us. Their news was equally bleak. This won't happen overnight but over the next ten years, this country, as we know it, may cease to exist. And people like the Tea Party are making it happen. Obama is a liar or a really bad negotiator or both. Either way, I can no longer support him for President. Again Ron Paul 2012. So way to go Obama. Take your hope and change and stuff it. You are indeed douchebag of the week.

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