Monday, July 29, 2013


In a shocking story buried in the back pages of a newspaper or mentioned in passing on the nightly news, the AP's survey says that roughly 80% of this country was or still is poor. That is simply unacceptable. Where is the middle class in that statistic? Buried deep where it has been for at least the last six years now. The middle class is dead. RIP. And no one seems to care.

Until now that is. Over the past few weeks have come a surprising amount of hate towards government in general and the corporations running the whole show now. The last three stages of civilization are apathy, anger, and revolution. We are getting dangerously close to violent revolution I fear as many out there among the masses seem reasonably pissed. From SWAT teams ganging up on whoever they feel like, to the DHS controlling our every action, to the NSA listening to everything we say, tyranny seems a lot nearer than it should. Obama has been the dismal failure we all knew he would be, but at least he wasn't Romney who would have sunk this ship months ago. Obama is better at bailing out the raft but the bucket has holes in it and the Republicans refuse to share theirs. It's getting dangerous.

Look at Detroit that was once upon a time the richest city in the country, I kid you not. It is now a smouldering hole in the ground due to rampant corruption, lavish salaries and pensions that were unsustainable and a complete lack of foreword thinking. Greed sunk that town. How do you think the rest of the country fares? Chicago is months away from going belly up as well with it's liabilities outworking the taxes it brings in. A lot of this is due to the fact we have let corporations pay their employees near nothing for far too long, and subsidises that shortfall with taxpayer money for a double whammy. Raising the minimum wage is paramount at this point to the country's survival. If we don't start giving people more money not less, we cannot fix the problem, period. And taxing rich people and corporations is a good way to start. If we don't do these simple steps, we will all be Detroit soon.

The AP study also had other stunning facts. The unemployment rate for people 18-29 is 47% and that's the official number. That means the actual number is almost certainly much much higher. If you are white, you are slipping into poverty faster than anyone else but if your black, chances are you are already there with no chance of getting out any time soon. And the older you get, the more likely you are to be poor as employment chances disappear as companies would rather higher cheaper, younger labor. And God help you if you get seriously ill in this country because the second you are ready to come back to work, that company will find some reason to fire you. It happens all the time. And there is nothing you can do about it.

The poll oddly showed rampant pessimism among whites about their future whole blacks were more likely to see hope. The fact that we have a black president is surely part of it as any black child in America could possibly grow up to be President, a dream previous generations wouldn't have had. I am glad to see Obama as a role model for young black kids but I also wish he would grow some balls, tell the GOP to sit and spin and start ramming some legislation through that if the Republicans vote against. it would make them look like douchebags not to mention ammo for the 2014 elections. People are hungry for change and even sacrifice as long as we ALL are giving up something and not just the poor and middle class, like the last fifteen years. Somewhere, somehow are politicians that will help. Elizabeth Warren is one of them. We need many more.

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