Thursday, July 18, 2013


I keep hearing from everyone that as they have nothing to hide, why should they care if the government is snooping in on them? The fact is you have nothing to hide NOW. However, there may come a time when something you are doing right now becomes highly illegal, when some new law passes that suddenly makes you a criminal. Don't believe me? It's happening right now in places like Texas.

Texas recently passed a law that will ban most abortion clinics. The inevitable result from this is the main reason we have Roe vs. Wade in the first place. You cannot legislate your way out of moral situation. It's failed with gay people, with blacks, with the war on drugs. It will always fail because it will continue laws be damned. It is the very definition of supply and demand that no one in this country seems to have any idea about, especially the ones running large corporations who seem to see no correlation between todays' outlandish living standards for them while the rest of us starve in the streets. The Haymarket Riots changed a lot of that. Another is brewing.

So by driving abortion back into the alleyways, they have turned a portion of the populace into criminals. These people mostly have no criminal background, no interest in breaking the law except when they are forced to. And the surveillance state is always watching now, making getting away with this that much harder even though it may be a life or death decision now regulated by the state. I love how Tea Party idiots are against all forms of regulations, except of course the ones they like. Some animals are just more equal I guess.

But this is just the beginning. What happens if, god forbid, the Republicans gain control of everything again. This country will look so much worse for wear it isn't funny. It's why I have complete disdain for any moron who is voting for these assholes. A GOP controlled Congress and the Presidency will end this country as we know it forever. We will become a sure fire fascist state with complete control over the masses. Democrats try to hide it at least but the Republicans won't waste time getting rid of Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps, Unemployment and worker protections across the board. How do I know this? IT'S IN THE FUCKING PLATFORM EVERY GODDMANED YEAR! Wake up America. Things could go from bad to worse and a lot of you out there are making it happen. And the Big Brother watching us could also be used to enslave us. All we need is the right set of circumstances, which will most likely be engineered to happen, and we will cease to be even a whiff of a democracy as we are now.

The NSA is paying much closer attention to us than the media has led on because they are still obsessed with the Zimmerman fall out (which they helped create) and the British baby watch to be actually telling us things that matter. During a hearing in the Senate the other day, the NSA admitted that they cast a wide net under the guise of anti-terrorism reasons. Basically, if your friend of a friend of a friend is being suspected of being terrorist, so are you and you will be investigated. And if someone in that link is found to be suspicious, the whole process starts all over. That's a lot of people being looked at, and most are American citizens.

The TSA is searching cars left at Valet parking spots at various airports without permission by the owner. Nothing Nazish about that. They claim it is to prevent bombings, but isn't that why we have dogs for just that purpose? Why search every car? It would be cheaper and faster than a cavity search of every Hyundai? Oh but that's right. It's the federal government which hires more people they don't need than anyone else on the planet. Although in the long run, that's still better than corporations that work you to death for shit wages and fire you first chance they get to hire someone cheaper. We need a happy medium between the two because both suck.

And then we have our trigger happy police force which apparently cannot go one day without some roided up dick beating an innocent person half to death or shooting someone for no reason. In Texas, James Palermo was involved in a traffic stop when a pedestrian walked by. He shouted at her to stop and demanded her papers. When the 22 year old woman said she had done nothing wrong, the Incredible Dick slammed her into the car and then into the concrete, knocking out two of her teeth and giving her a concussion. Palermo was arrested for assault. Good. I so hope he goes to prison where, as we all know, cops are treated with the dignity and respect they so deserve. Here's his picture if anyone wants to say Howdy to him.

You think that 22 year old girl cares about police brutality now? You bet your ass she does and what happened to her could happen to ANYONE? This is nothing new. While in college, two of my roommates got the crap kicked out them by some psycho cop for doing nothing more than walking down the street. Same scenario. Same results. And that was over twenty years ago. Then it was an anomaly. Today, it's common place. Back then, they couldn't find a lawyer because even though they were A students with no criminal background, no one believed the police would beat up two innocent people and therefore a civil case would be hard to prove. That wouldn't fly today as everyone distrusts the police now and civil cases are being fired on a daily basis against them. The country stands to lose hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money every year because we fail to hold police to a higher standard than the rest of us and boot these bad apples quick. Instead unions fight for them idiotically and keep these maniacs acting like the jack booted thugs they are.

The point is, we all should be worried about the protections being lost. If you think that because you are doing nothing wrong today, that that means anything down the road, so did dozens of others each day whose lives are being ruined because they said, "it will never happen to me." Until it does. The Jews found that out the hard way when Hitler gradually took more and more personal freedoms away until by the time they realized they were headed for the oven, it was too late to do anything about. They had been successfully marginalized, just like we are. If we don't act soon, we will be no better than the Jews circa 1940 and we will have no one but ourselves to blame.
End the Republican party today and demand the democrats do more. It's literally our only hope at this point in which violence won't begin.


  1. See if the Mass Health Plan can get you a dose of Prozac and maybe some fresh air.

    Best laugh I've had all day, thanks!

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