It's like a broken record lately. Trump does something stupid, blames the other side and a third of America buys it. Trump is 100% responsible for this shutdown as he did everything he could to make sure it happened. Ironically, in the past he blamed the president for the shutdown in 2013. Now it IS his fault. Let's see those runner ups in a dying society too stupid to know any better anymore.

10)Tom Petty- Another death, another round of fentanyl. I was in excruciating agony for almost nine months and I never even asked for something that strong. Also, I was never a recovering drug addict who should never have had ANY painkillers as relapse will happen. Petty instead decided to take all sorts of painkillers as well as anti-depressants and for some inane reason, a sedative. It is no wonder he died. Heroin and the like are awful, pointless drugs. As someone who had to take painkillers and had zero problem getting off them, I have to wonder how weak we have become. Our kids all have autism, asthma and allergies far beyond what I remember. The adults are not much healthier. And heroin is EVERYWHERE. This drug has been around forever. Why is it such a problem now, beyond its increasing strength? Are humans becoming sicker and more prone to addiction because, let's face it, our civilization is dying? Maybe. It is not a comforting thought. Either way, stay the fuck away from heroin. It is a gateway to nowhere good.
9)Stormy Daniels- The porn star got pulled into the spotlight when an old allegation of an affair between her and the president resurfaced with barely a yawn. Is this really what we have become because I remember impeaching a president for a BJ? Trump could fuck his daughter on national TV and Fox news would celebrate as him being a true family man. The funny part about this is she settled for a measly $130,000 from Trump when, if she had sold her story to say the National Enquirer, she could have gotten WAY more. All porn starts are not brainless morons but Daniels is certainly not a Mensa member for sure.
8)Dr. Larry Nassar- What a perv. The former doctor for what appears to be most, if not all of the girl's gymnastic teams, was convicted this week of molesting dozens of young girls over the years, many of whom are Olympic medal wearing athletes. Before sentencing is to occur, one that will most likely see him behind bars for the rest of his life, the girls all got to say their peace to him. This dick had the balls to tell the judge it was hurting his feelings. WAAAAAA! She rightfully laughed in his face. Good. I hate people like this. Something tells me he is going to to do very badly in the hardcore prison he is headed for, a place where child molesters have a short life span.

7)Woody Allen Accusers- For fuck's sake Woody Allen is not a child molester. I am sick and tired of watching Hollywood bend over backwards to go after these long discredited stories about Allen and heap scorn upon him with NO evidence beyond the word of a little girl who was most likley manipulated by her mother, pissed she was left by her ex and her adopted daughter (not Woody's as many seem to think). The courts found NO evidence about this, found direct evidence Mia Farrow coached her daughter and several witnesses, including her son Moses, say that nothing happened. Yes, others say something else and the one court, while finding nothing to actually charge Allen with, went off on him regardless, reading stuff into the case I am not sure warranted the charges against him which the same judge ultimately dropped. Maybe that judge hated his movies or something. The facts are though that he was never charged with abuse, the court system found no evidence to bring it to court and several witnesses have discounted what Mia and her daughter have suggested. Proof means something. This witch hunt is getting ugly. Plus, how come there have been exactly ZERO others to come forward with any accusations. Like eating just one potato chip, I have never seen this happen without other cases too. Just saying.
6)Dr. Ronny Jackson- This man is a traitor to this country and should be treated as such. ANYONE who lies for the president as this asshole did this week should be tarred and feathered as our democracy is at stake. With a straight face, he came and said the president was the healthiest president who ever lives. Right. Somehow, he gained an inch because there is NO way Trump is six foot three, 239 pounds. At best, try six one and two sixty. No one grows TALLER as they age. This guy is a fucking liar.
5)Kristjen Nielsen- Another liar who this week committed perjury when she said she never heard the president say the word shithole during a meeting, in which everyone else not a butt kissing Republican confirmed. Even funnier, she claimed to have no knowledge about there being lots of white people in Norway, the country Trump wants more from (ie not black) and her name is KRISTJEN NIELSEN. Talk about Nordic, Danish actually. But not knowing there are not a lot of black people in that area hardly requires being from there, just demographics. The Republicans are proving they will lie to protect their leader. The last time we saw levels of sycophancy like this, Hitler came to power. Do not think it can't happen here.

4)Devin Nunes- He may be the second most dangerous man in Congress. Anyone voting for this ass should be forced to watch Floribama Shore on a loop. Fuckwad is pushing to release a classified memo that alleges to show abuses by FISA warrants by the FBI, allegedly so bad it could shut down the Mueller probe. From what I hear from people who know the memo is a highly subjective cherry picked evidencebcrapfest that is specifically designed to look worse than it is and in a partisan way. Several of his toadies like Steve King and Matt Getz are spinning this hard. 2018 better spell the end for all three of these dicks.
3)Tom Cotton- This ass is killing this country. He is far more radical than most in the Senate and his inaction on DACA caused this shutdown. He has been talked about being possibly moved into a higher position like AG. He would make Sessions look tame in comparison. This firebrand is sinking this country with his no compromise bullshit. He is up for reelection on 2020. If he is still has his seat, send him packing. Please.
2)Republicans- They certainly screwed the pooch his week. They managed to cobble together a compromise which Hurricane Trump torpedoed because, well no one really knows because he is maddeningly unclear in that department. They have not helped by digging in their heels and not negotiating one whit. It is like the Republicans have no idea how to govern. Mitch McConnell has threatened a one AM vote tomorrow but, even if all the Republicans switch back and the same five democrats keep their's, they are still at four vote shy. How is this a threat? Back my play or we'll vote for failure again? Does he understand how this works? The chances of them biting next year are super high as special elections are almost all going Democrats way lately, and even the races they lost, they made significant gains in. Generic ballot has the Democrats as a ten point average advantage. Past trends say they should pick up 60 plus seats, gerrymandered or not. The wave is coming.

1)Trump-My God what an ass. He started off the week calling Africa and Haiti shitholes,which while not entirely inaccurate, is not something the president should be calling people out on. This helped torpedo any deal, further hampered by the president own inability to negotiate in good faith. Several on both sides have become exasperated by this, with one person saying it "was like dealing with jello." He would agree to something one minutes and change his mind the next. Anyone who makes Obama look like a dealmaster is really tanking it hard, especially as he is supposed to be good at this. Orange Hitler spent the rest of the week blaming democrats for the shutdown he himself is almost solely to blame. He again went after McConnell for not scraping the filibuster, which if it goes our democracy with it as whoever is in power will whiplash the country back and forth between radical positions the minority will have no ability to stop. Thankfully, as over sixty senators have signed a pledge to keep the rule, they cannot get rid of it as a simple majority is not possible yet. Good as this means there is some common sense in Congress. This guy is fucking dangerous and if you can't see it God help you when either evidence comes up that he is beyond guilty of probably everything you can be guilty of or a major war that wipes out most of humanity. Either way, when support for Trump leaves you are either shunned or dead because history shows enablers get fucked later. Don't be one of those. So congratulations Trump once again you are douchebag of the week.