Wednesday, June 20, 2018


It has been a while dear readers since a posting, mostly because no one is listening and this country is spiraling out of control. Also, my health is getting worse and as the GOP seems hell bent on killing health care as well as all the entitlement programs, my diagnosis looks grim. So, knowing that, this may be my final column where I tell America to go fuck itself. The fact that mobs of angry citizens haven't stormed the White House by now and dragged Orange Hitler out says it all. I warned you for years this was coming and now it is here. We are not facing a constitutional crisis. We are in one. And few seem to care.

At least until recently. Trump has decided to actually become Hitler and has started ripping children, CHILDREN, from their parents at the border.I would like to point out that this actually worse than that, or the Japanese internment camps, as they weren't even cruel enough to drag small children away screaming for the parents. Worse, some are never going to be reunited with their parents, meaning the US is actively kidnapping kids at this point. Why is the outrage not at fever pitch because of this?Yes, people are planning more protests and the like but we are far beyond that now. Now is the time for civil disobedience and even violence in some cases.

We as a people have to stand up and say enough or face the fact that we now live in a totalitarian state. Call your AG's from each state and demand the ARREST of any congressperson approving this tactic as a terrorism charge. Find out where these people live, along with ICE and border agents and make their lives a living hell. Do what they did to the DHS secretary to had the audacity to eat at a Mexican restaurant recently and was chased out by an angry mob. The time for civility is over. Now we must rise up and destroy utterly anyone who approves of this policy.

Also, if you see anyone wearing a MAGA hat or Trump like attire, do not serve them, do not act rationally or nice in any way, and if they so much as lay a finger on you, respond by breaking their faces. We have to start treating the GOP as a foreign hostile power now. Anyone still following the Republicans should be treated as traitors. And if Nazis decide to march somewhere near you, do what the Blues Brothers did and aim for them with your car. The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. Peaceful talk and compromise is out the window. Your life is at risk people. Act accordingly.

Trump supporters have to be treated as dangerous as we are also coming dangerously close to Civil war. Corey Lewendowski mocks the plight of children on Fox, Laura Ingram compares holding kids in cages to "summer camp," and Hannity is as always, Goebbels. Advertisers for Fox news have to be held accountable and nationwide boycotts have to occur. Occupy congresspeople's offices and refuse to leave. When you get arrested go right back and keep it up until they capitulate. Stand outside their houses and let them know how pissed you are. BE ANGRY!!!!

Or you can do nothing and watch as everything you hold dear goes away. There will be no health care soon. NO Social Security, Medicare or Medicare as that is what the GOP budget plans on. This is what is at stake: YOUR FUCKING LIVES PEOPLE! So either get mad and do something about it or plan on dying early because that is where we are headed.

I hope people do something more than just some worthless march. That time has come and gone. Now we need to be disobedient and even violent if some cases. The fate of the world is at stake. So it is literally do or die people.

What is is going to be?

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