Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pakistan Plays With Fire

The Pakistani government has decided that pissing in the face of the US government is going to win them friends in low places after the arrest and detention of a contractor with diplomatic immunity in a questionable shooting that resulted in two deaths, supposedly part of Pakistan's secret elite force the ISI. The government has said they will try him even though he possesses diplomatic immunity and cannot be prosecuted. Needless to say, this has made Obama and the State Department furious over legal wranglings over what the immunity covers. While the original writing within the original law would suggest that only crimes committed while serving under diplomatic functions count, it has been long used by EVERYONE that any crime is only punishable if the host country appeals to the accused person's country of orgin and if they relinquish said immunity prosecution could continue. This has been used in the past when cases of rape, fraud and murder have been committed by American diplomats, however such access are very rare. And as the circumstances on this case are well within dispute as to what went down, the contractor should be released immediately. Eyewitness testimony and physical evidence point to self defense and a frame up by the ISI.

So what does all this mean? It means that Pakistan could become persona non grata if they continue, regardless of the consequences. If Pakistan does not release the contractor immediately, all aid to the country should cease, our ambassadors recalled and the country will be blocked from doing any business with American companies. If our people cannot be protected by their own government, what chance do ordinary citizens have? The local Muslim fundamentalist douchebags have of course called for protests should the prisoner be released and I say that's a perfect time for an air strike. These are not ordinary citizens by enemy combatants. As the Pakistani are using women and children for suicide attacks, most recently a twelve year old boy, they cannot be listed as collateral damage anymore but actual targets. If you use ambulances or children as weapons, one can't be surprised if the other side treats them as such.

The Muslim world has to be told once and for all, BACK OFF! We are not sheep. I have no problem living with you but your going to have to adapt to 21st century living, something they have become woefully inept at. Anti-Muslim sentiment is spreading like wildfire across Europe, with heads of state such as Sarkozy and Cameron saying multiculturalism has failed. It has led to a surprising right wing turn in many countries such as liberal Holland and Denmark and not for the better, especially if you're Muslim. As I have said many many times, I have no problem with your average everyday Muslim. The fundamentalists however are more Nazi-like than most see them as. They are a treat to all of mankind and we need to take such a threat seriously. A world war looms and these nutters are going to start it. All we need right now is a Muslim version of Gavic Princip, the lone individual who started WW1 and WW2 and left hundreds of millions dead. One lone terrorist could end the world. Worried yet?

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