Thursday, September 8, 2011

Republicans Debate. Winner? Barack Obama. Loser? The American People

In Simi Valley California, the "leaders" in the GOP race to become President came together to explain their positions on everything from Obamacare to jobs and not much in between. It's not like we're fighting two wars, including an increasingly unwinnable drug war right here in our backyard, serious socio-economic problems, lobbying that has become almost predatory in nature, and a government that is becoming more and more out of touch with it's constituents.

Instead we heard about how the Apocalypse that has fallen upon the residents of states like Massachusetts due to their universal health care coverage. Apparently, they've never actually been here to find out that, horror of horrors, it works quite well thank you. Having lived in the state for the past five years and worked in the health care industry in the past, I can tell you almost everything you've heard about the state is completely and totally wrong. The most outlandish is that it takes months to see your doctor for an appointment. At no time during a recent health problem that required me to see my doctor weekly and several specialists did an appointment set me further back than a few days. A frecent appointment to see my dentist took longer to set up. By the way, stop telling me Obamacare is costing us jobs as almost all of the provisions don't take effect until 2014 and currently only protect children. So unless businesses are hiring 8 year olds, Obamacare is not the reason their letting people go. It's greed with Obama being the scapegoat.

Current front runner Rick Perry came across as a lifeless mannequin who could only crow about all the low paying jobs his state has created over his terms as governor. Texas currently rates near or at the bottom for everything from school testing, to obesity, to poverty rates, to unemployment. Compare that to Massachusetts on the other end of the spectrum on education, health care to aid for the poor and the distinctions between Romney and Perry become very obvious. Perry is George Bush all over again: a hick governor more interested in religion than actually governing. With his stats, Obama is dying for him to be his opponent.

Mitt Romney did as well as he could having to run from his success in Romneycare, which is the equivalent of Van Gogh trying to downplay the greatness of "Starry Night." The good news for Romney was Perry seemed even more robotic and stiff than he usually does, giving the whole night a "rock em sock robots" kind of feel. Perry: "Obamacare is Romneycare," Whack! Romney: "Your state is filled with low paying, go nowhere jobs," Kapow! Yawn. With Perry calling Social Security a Ponzi scheme, as if repeating it over and over would make it even more true, showed a sheer lack of knowledge about how the thing works. Trying to appeal to the Tea Party is like trying to win favor over the craziest people at the local mental institution. It's not going to work with the more sane of us and all you're doing is getting yourself committed.

The rest of the pack did real damage to whatever was left of their credibility. Rick Santorium and Newt Gingrich continue to delude themselves that they matter in the slightest. Newt took umbrage that the moderator was asking questions that might divide the GOP hopefuls. Really, Newt? Why would anyone in a debate try to distance themselves from some of the idiotic positions many GOP candidates have gotten themselves into. Everytime some schmuck says he doesn't believe in evolution, climate change or that gays are less than people, that sucking sound your hearing isn't jobs going to Mexico but the amount of money going out of your coffers and into your opponents. This is why these two are on life support. Gingrich is such a lying blowhard that I half expect him to literally explode at a future debate. Santorium has continued to fade into the background as his "Christian" values seem more akin to the Devil, who also couldn't care less about the poor and needy.

Michelle Bachmann's crazy train has mercifully derailed, Herman Cain needs to go back to Godfather's Pizza, Ron Paul appears to be about ready to blurt out "the redcoats are coming" at any moment, and no one knows or cares about Jon Huntsman.

According to the most recent polls, Romney is the only one with a chance of beating Obama. This means that Obama, a deeply unpopular President right now, could face almost any GOP candidate and win with a campaign of "what are you going to do, vote for Rick Perry?" That sad part is that strategy might very well propel him into another four year term.

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