Sunday, May 27, 2012


If proof was ever needed that the rich and powerful are screwing us on a regular basis, all anyone needed to do was watch any news program and see a slew of bullshit that only affected the common man while the world elites laughed all the way to the bank. Let's see those runner ups.

1) Zombies- A real life zombie was found eating a man's face in Miami today. Okay, so he wasn't exactly a reanimated corpse but he was a naked guy, most likely all messed up on drugs and mental problems, eating another man's face. When confronted by police, the man turned on the cops, and was quickly shot and killed. I wonder of it was a bullet to the head. This is a very disturbing story.

2)TSA- Maybe someday, I'll write one of these columns and the TSA WON'T be in it. This is not one of those weeks. It was revealed this week that a man employed by the TSA at the Philadelphia international airport was a defrocked priest who was excommunicated for MOLESTATION OF LITTLE BOYS. So the TSA, in their infinite wisdom, placed him in a position where he could do just that. With a complete lack of any kind of background checks, the TSA could be hiring anyone which makes the whole security system worthless as the only people being hassled are the travelers while the TSA is stocked full of terrorists, degenerates and pedophiles. This waste of tax dollars has to stop. Too bad the idiot Teatards are too busy protesting Obama's "Kenyan" heritage.

3)Democrats/Obama- Trying their best to lose the next election, the asses shot down a bill proposed by Republicans that would have stopped some of the TSA abuses mentioned above. Not one democrat voted for it, mirroring what the GOP has done for the past four years of complete obstructionism. What this means that unless one side or the other gets a clear majority come November, this country will grind to a halt. Meanwhile, Obama's substantial drug use in college is getting a lot of news which is funny as he is even more draconian about fighting the drug war than his predecessor. What a hypocrite.

4)Iran-Iran is dancing around the recent nuke talks, like expected, angering Israel and making Obama look impotent. Experts from the IEAE and ISIS, a think tank that follows Iran closely, say Iran has enough material for at least five nuclear bombs. If this is true, it is unacceptable. If Iran becomes a nuclear power, there is a near certainty of a nuclear war in the next three years. Just because no one has used nukes since the US in 1944, doesn't mean that no one will ever use them. And giving a WMD to a bunch of religious fanatics is a recipe for disaster. How safe would people feel in this country if Fred Phelps, the idiot who has people stand outside military funerals and protests with anti-gay and anti-abortion hate speech, had access to mini nukes. What reasonable person wouldn't think, "Wow this moron may actually use it." Religious fanatics are NOT reasonable people and giving Iran access to this kind of weapon will unbalance the whole region and all but guarantee a major war as Israel will strike and we will get drawn in, regardless of whether we want to or not. This is a very dangerous situation.

5)The heat- It's way too hot for this early in the year. But of course, (insert sarcasm here) there is no global warming, despite the fact that world temperatures have been way above normal for almost a year now. Deniers still try to debunk this fact but I know temperatures here in MA have been around 6 degrees higher than normal now for more than a year. That's is a big increase and one that fits with global warming estimates. Expect things to get much much worse.

6)Republicans- As it was 400 degrees in my house yesterday and I refuse to put my AC in until absolutely necessary, I spent almost an hour watching Fox news and the John Stossel show. For the most part, I find the guy to be a terrible reporter/human being and yesterday's show was no different. The topic was Social Security and one of the guests was the writer of Red, White and Broke, by Charles Goyette who suggested that the way to fix the current financial situation is to remove all regulations, or the free market rule, and end things like SS. Nevermind the fact that SS can be fixed by doing three things: raise the age to 65, remove the income cap on SS withholding and enact means testing. My figures show solvency until 2100 at the earliest, perhaps longer. But no one wants the rich to pay more, except for 99% of the populace but hey what do we matter.

7)The World Elite- The rich and powerful of the world have spoken and they have told us to "FUCK OFF" and to go eat some cake. Take the whole Facebook debacle. The numbers show a distinct market manipulation where the rich used super high speed computers to drive up the price of the stock and then dump them willy nilly back into the market causing the price to plummet. This scheme made millions for the rich and screwed the average investor who have no access to such devices. Meanwhile, the Euro is going under and instead of enacting rules that saved the Icelandic economy, more austerity measures are all we hear about, measures that have never worked ever in the history of the planet. These are the same measures that the Teatards want, as well as big business, which will turn the clock back here to the 19th century when Robber Barons ruled the universe and workers were treated like slaves. If we continue down this path, there won't be affordable health care for anyone, no good jobs and a poverty class that will encompass most of the 99%. The steps are all in place to bankrupt the system (FDIC protection of derivative losses), martial law (DHS policies, bank confiscation rules, and ammo stockpiling), and total control of our lives (Tea party policies, TSA, DHS, DEA, FDA, FBI, CIA, NSA). So go blow world rich, you are indeed douchebag of the week.

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