Sunday, May 13, 2012


I real no brainer as this ass is partly responsible for the economic crisis of 2008 and here is again, front and center, at the head of yet another huge banking loss. Let's see those runner ups.

1)Bristol Palin- As empty headed as her worthless mother, this waste of space called Obama out for supporting gay marriage. Like this bitch is the poster child of good decisions? She gets knocked up underage and at least once, perhaps more if conspiracy theories at to be believed, has a child out of wedlock and then has the gaul to preach moral superiority to the President of the US. Shut the F up and go back to Alaska you brainless dolt. Nobody cares what you think.

2)EPA- The one thing Republicans and I can agree on is how awful the EPA has become. The difference is that I would fire most of the idiots who run the ship and replace them with people who know what they are doing rather than gutting the whole thing and letting the corporations destroy the planet. Today, the EPA released a report that says, contrary to every bit of scientific data gathered so far, that the Gulf is safe for seafood eating and swimming, which it most certainly isn't. This is the same group that said radiation bathing our country from Fukishima is fine and don't worry about the millions of dollars we spent of radiation detectors that don't work and have no desire to fix any of them. Unbelievable. The Gulf of Mexico is not safe, BP executives should have been arrested  and none of this is getting out to the public at large.

3)The American public- In what bizzaro world do we have things like the NDAA signed into law and barely a protest to be seen, but gay marriages is the end of civilization as we know it. Let me be clear to any of you out three who think gay marriage is evil: YOU ARE A BIGOT! I know you don't see it that way but I doubt the Klan in the South in the fifties saw it that way either when they were asked about black rights. For them it was tradition that blacks were second class citizens and damn it the government wasn't going to tell them what they could do with their own laws in town. Now we get the same bull about gay people leading to the end of the world. Gay people deserve the same respect that everyone else gets. And if you start that crap about the Bible saying gays are an abomination, please see my earlier post about how books like Leviticus also condone slavery, treating women like property and going to hell for eating shrimp. The only parts of the Bible that really matter are the Ten Commandments and the words of Christ. I hate to break it all the American Taliban out there that there is no 11th commandment of "Thou shall not be gay," nor are there any passages with Christ saying homosexuality is a sin. Everything else in the Bible is crap. Get over it.

4)Rush Limbaugh- How this ass is still on the air is beyond me? Who exactly is advertising on this show still? This week, Bloaty McFuckwad said gay people are the bane of society and ruining us all. This from a guy divorced four times. Way to exude moral superiority douche. Here''s hoping for a fatal heart attack as he eats that tenth Big Mac. Anyone listening to this crap should only do so while wearing a Nazi uniform.

5)Scott Walker- The embattled Wisconsin governor is still neck and neck somehow with the democratic opponent as Walker faces a recall vote June 5th over his asinine decision to get rid of unions. Now, weeks before the election comes a damaging new tape where he tells one of his billionaire supporters and cash cow, Diane Hendricks, that he will crush the unions once in office. Hendricks, no surprise is against unions, because they end up costing her money that would otherwise go to buying that third yacht or fifth summer home. Walker is a parasite who should be tarred and feathered on his way out and any idiot voting for this ass should receive the same treatment. Wake up Wisconsin and stop voting against your own interests. The Teatards strike again.

6)Greece's new government- Less than two weeks after a ultra-right wing government was voted into office, the coalition collapsed and new elections are being called for. The ultra left is expected to win this time around, based on anti-austerity measures that have destroyed the country. These are the same measures the GOP and Teatards are screaming for. Idiots.

7)John Travolta Accuser Number 1#- John Travolta was accused of sexually harassing a masseuse in LA. Problem was he wasn't in LA at the time and had proof. His ambulance chasing lawyer said he had plane tickets that showed Travolta was in LA at the time which is weird as everyone knows Travolta is a pilot who always flies his own plane and his records demonstarted that. Soon after, the lawyer dropped the client but is still representing two other idiots who are claiming similar tactics, including one guy who said this happened in 2009. The fact this ass waited three years to say anything makes his claims bull. It is exactly this kind of garbage that is ruining our legal system.

8)Jamie Dimon- The head of JP Morgan/Chase, one of the banks responsible for the 2008 economic crisis, got caught AGAIN, after it was revealed that $2 billion dollars was lost in bad derivative trades. This stain on humanity is one of the biggest douchebags who has fought tooth and nail against any regulations that might have stopped this from happening in the first place. The worst part is that $2 billion is a drop in the bucket in  the 600 trillion to 1.5 quadrillion derivative market loss potential. If it collapses, and all bubbles burst, the world economy goes flush with it. Hyperinflation, riots and, most likely a repressive police state will form in response. Is this really the America you envisioned your kids growing up in? If it isn't, get your heads out of your ass AND STOP VOTING REPUBLICAN. I heard recently from a relative of mine who is a dyed in the wool Republican that the reason she is voting against Obama is the fact he will kill Medicare if re-elected. Nevermind the fact that the democrats have done their upmost to save entitlement programs, but the Paul Ryan Budget Plan explicitly says they want to gut things like Medicare and SS. This is the level of idiocy we are up against, where common sense has been replaced by misplaced ideology. Never forget that Hitler was voted into office by very similar circumstances. So congratulations Jamie Dimon, you are indeed douchebag of the week.

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