Seems the ultra-shady Blackstone Group is doing more than just ruining the housing market with mass buying of properties, raising interests rates and home prices artificially, and bundling rental properties in the same mortgage default swaps that tanked the economy in the first place in 2008. They also got caught rigging a loan buying program to net them an extra 15 million dollars and it was all perfectly legal. This is happening every day on the stock and derivative markets, where betting on one side or the other is commonplace and then they manipulate the situation so they win no matter what. This is a recipe for disaster because sooner or later, the whole system will crash and when it does, the world economy goes with it.
The sad part about all of this is not one news media outlet wrote about this at all. I have been doing research on this group for months and even I didn't come across it until last night when Jon Stewart exposed it. Correspondent Samantha Bee then went to the NYT financial editor, Gretchen Morgenson, and asked why did they not report it. Daggers shot out of her eyes as she kept her composure and tried to say they had too many other important stories to cover. Bee responded with a shot of a current story in the Times about people getting poop facial and EEEEWWWWWWW, to which Morgenson responded with a blank stare. Yeah that's much more important than a Equity Group run by bankers who fucked us in the ass and are now lubing up again for re-entry. Way to ruin your good name.

Not that the Times has been worth reading in years. They cheerleadered us into a war we never should have gotten into when idiots like Judith Miller, now not surprisingly on Fox News, rah rah rahed right into a quagmire. A newspaper is supposed to expose the truth not work to suppress it. More recently, they ran a piece, along with CNN, NPR, USA Today and the Today show, that the "knockout game" was an urban myth. Turns out, they were completely wrong as, while this trend is not new, it is expanding. Yale and New Haven cops have reported seven incidents in the last month, on top of the six from last month. That is troubling. What is more shocking is the fact that in almost every case it is young, black males doing it to white people, or on NYC cases, Jewish AND white. It has gotten so bad that even Al Sharpton and Russell Simmons have come out against it, perhaps realizing that if they don't, there will be a lot more cases like Trayvon Martin, as the surest way to create racism is be a purveyor of it. At some point, a group of black youths, innocent or not, will be gunned down in the street by some panicky white dude. Bet on it. Black racism has to stop or else face the wrath of a much larger, better armed society who will shoot first and ask questions later. Most people in this country are not smart enough to blow their nose lest make rational decisions.
I saw that today when I read about the fast food strikes going on across the country. The message boards were filled with angry white people, pissed than poor people (ie minorities) might actually make a livable wage. The comments were laughable. 99% if this country have no idea how things like economics, government or even health insurance works. Their ideas are simplistic at best and downright stupid most of the time. I love when people say, "Just get another job," like there are tons of jobs out there just waiting to be filled. They're not. And most of the ones we did have, don't pay anything anymore. Take the auto industry. Once upon a time, a person could work for Ford for thirty years, make a good living, and retire with a good pension. Now, salaries have been slashed in half, to an average of $14 and hour, pensions are being lost and benefits in general are gone. And not even college guarantees a good job anymore so forget that. Right wingers are so fucking stupid I am surprised they don't stick forks in their face while eating, because they can't find their mouth. Socialism works in many, many countries, corporations are NOT people, and being black doesn't mean you're a lazy, pot smoking degenerate.

We have to demand more from our media, our government and, mostly, from each other. Stop being stupid and wake up to reality. The GOP wants you dead. The democrats are not much better, but for now, it's all we have. Let's get more Senators like Bernie Saunders and Liz Warren. Robert Reich would be a great senator for any state. Unless we start demanding change for the better, we will instead get change for the worse, much worse at current levels. Don't let it happen.
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