Monday, January 27, 2014


An article I read today nailed how bad things are in this country. In it, he accurately described how nothing has been fixed in the US since 2008, how Iceland is doing just fine by getting rid of everything and everyone that screwed them over in the first place (banks and corrupt politicians), and the fact that we aren't acting like the Ukrainian protestors shows how spineless we have become.

The news does no bode well for Obama as a recent Washington Post/ABC poll said 63% of the public no longer trust the President. Considering he has been lying through his teeth for some time now, it is slightly refreshing to see such a high number, even if it is skewed by people who hate the President because of his party or race rather than because he is a shmuck who has helped drive this country further into the ground.

The fact the Dow rose today also proves that blatant stock manipulation is still around as there is no rational explanation why anyone would buy stock today unless you are mentally challenged in some way. Foreign markets are collapsing and the contagion is spreading. HSBC tried limiting bank withdrawals before being forced to back down by angry customers, leading to rumors that if China goes under, so does HSBC.

And we all should be really worried as China's largest bank just announced a three day bank holiday right before their New Year celebrations this Friday, which would be like our banks closing before Christmas. There will also be a nine day holiday on all foreign investments, which is spooking the markets everywhere but here, which only dropped a measly 8 points and not the 800 it should have today. This week will not get better, especially after the FED meets this week to discus further tapering of QE Infinity. If they tighten the spigot, world markets may crash. If they raise it, hyperinflation becomes a real possibility down the road. Either way, we are screwed and many are saying look out below as a huge economic disaster seems to be headed our way with no way of stopping it. Fun.

China is further making problems by sending in warships now into contested Japanese waters, which has pissed them off even further. The wrong miscalculation right now and WW3 starts. Between this and the markets about to sail off the Earth, we are facing huge 1914-like problems all over again. This is what happens when you don't learn from history, and as we all know, the Republicans are great at that.

The GOP announced their plan for a new health care option which is no better, and in some ways worse, than Obamacare. In it they plan to use tax credits and removing state barriers to bring down health care costs, neither of which will work as the fundamental problem with our health care system isn't the consumer part but the supply part which has NO price controls and, as a result, we are being gorged to death. Until someone stops the blood flow from that, NO plan will work, least of all the GOP's one which has a few ideas of merit, but is too timid and weak to be effective at all. Just like Obamacare. We have ceased to be the country of bold ideas and instead just do as we are told and follow lemming like to the sea. If people do not start standing up for the rights, we are not going to have any left.


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