Monday, April 26, 2010

The Blind Side Opens My Eyes

Poor Sandra Bullock. Last year two of the three movies she did proved to be critical and box office hits. The Proposal was a laugh riot and All About Steve was a giant misfire but the Blind Side proved to be so popular and well done that she won the Oscar over Meryl Streep for her uncanny performance as Julia Childs in the fun but uneven Julie and Julia. Then came all the crap about Jesse James sleeping with Bombshell "Nazi" Mcgee and a slew of other bikers chicks that would have turned off Tiger Woods. This did not win him any friends as you basically screwed over America's Sweetheart. Way to go. Hopefully she'll divorce this loser and find her way to a man who would take care of her. I'd throw my hat in the ring but first, she wouldn't have anything to do with me and two, I'm taken. And unlike her scummy husband, I don't cheat.
But all that aside, The Blind Side is a terrific, touching movie about a woman taking in a black kid who has no where else to go. She a white upper class republican. He's from the inner city. Culture clash times a thousand. Bullock is brilliant as Leigh Anne Touhy, a nicer version of her tough as nails Margret character from the Proposal, and shines throughout. Newcomer Quinton Aaron is great at the hapless Michael, giving a introverted person real emotion and depth.
Some have called this movie racist saying that the movie suggest all black people need a white master to cure all their ills. That is missing the point of the movie. The fact that Michale was black was incidental. They took him in not because of his race but in spite of it. They did it because it was the Christian thing to do, something most Christians give nothing but lip service to. It also accurately shows the real problems that come from living in the inner city. As a middle class white guy I have no personal experience from living in such conditions but my job in films brought me to the worst areas of Hartford, CT where I was the only white guy for miles. As I could drop a few names to anyone approaching me I was left alone but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who doesn't have a death wish. The projects look just like they do in this movie and are a struggle to get out for anyone.
A highly enjoyable movie for anyone and everyone. A must see.

4 1/2 out of 5 stars

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